Some choices should probably be made a bit tougher for Episode 2
Having people choose between saving or not saving Christa, the only protector we have left who has done nothing wrong to us? Is that really something we're supposed to wrestle with?
It's at something above 95% now and I would be surprised to see it budge much in the other direction. All you're doing is providing a distraction, not sacrificing yourself for her sake or anything. Anyone with half an ounce of decency would find the choice a no-brainer.
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Seemed like a no brainier to me as well, but for others, it may not be that easy. At least one of them had a gun as well. I have plenty of decency but I chose not to put that one girl out of her misery to buy Kenny and Lee more time to gather supplies. It's a cruel world. Though, I'd be interested to hear what happens, if anything, from the 5%.
A lot of choices were a typical no-brainer.