No email confirming release. Where do I d/l TWD2?

edited December 2013 in Site Support

After not being able to "verify" my account with my hotmail account I switched to my g-mail account and finally got verified. GREAT you might think BUT I have no way of d/l the game. (No email yet to direct me)
Any help is appreciated.


  • If you bought the game directly from Telltale (or redeemed a Telltale redemption code from this website), you can download the game from your "My Games" page (one of the options that appears in the drop down menu if you click on the down arrow next to your username at the top of this page).

  • I'm late to reply. Sorry. I found it on the site without ever receiving an email. Thanks for your response!

    Macfly77 posted: »

    If you bought the game directly from Telltale (or redeemed a Telltale redemption code from this website), you can download the game from your

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