Some observations after finishing the episode

edited December 2013 in The Walking Dead

1) Nick seems like the perfect way to make Kenny seem much more likable now for the ones who never liked him. Like the anti-Kenny.

2) There's something off about the daughter (so off that I already forgot her name) in that house. She's weird and not normal.

3) Carlos the 'doctor' (doctor my ass, any legit doctor could see a dog bite 100 miles away).. now help me out a little here, I recalled a Tiny Carlos in 400 days mentioned by Eddie and Wyatt, I suppose this is not the same one? Because Tiny Carlos was a madman (implied by Eddie).

4) Alvin is the new Ben, he had an opinion, his wife (right?) said something and he backed off. A comedic moment though.

5) What do you make of this Harker guy? It sounds nasty.

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