Episode 2 desperately needs a chance to talk to people
Like in the pharmacy in Season 1 Episode 1. Or just before handing out food in Season 1 Episode 2. Get to know who these people are, where they come from, what motivates them, what they're thinking at any given time. They need characterization through some good ol' fashioned adventure game-style interaction.
This also provides some opportunities for humor in what has, to date, been a pretty damned bleak environment. Season 1 was bleak, too, but there were more things like Duck playing Robin or Clem putting a bug on Duck's pillow or the super awkward interaction between Clem and Lee in the drug store. A few moments of levity and humor amidst a background of hopelessness and despair.
The choice came down to Nick vs. Pete, much as it once came down to Carly vs. Doug, and my response was largely indifference. I didn't know enough about either of them to care much who lived or died. This could have been averted if I just had more of a chance to get to know the people in the survivor group.
Wtaf you don't know CLEMENTINE'S NAME
Nvm he's talking about Sarah
I agree. Also in E1 we talked with the little girl (can't remember her name) and had the chance to be BFF's and said we wouldn't tell she helped us yet in the scene after the shed the Dr knew the girl had helped. It felt rushed and as though our choices didn't matter.
Yeah having several dialogue trees would be nice. That said there wasn't really an oppurtunity as they locked her up and any other point they were out in the open. Maybe they saw that a ton of people just rush through sections and miss discussions
It just worries me because TWAU had much the same issue. In retrospect, I don't remember any point in Episode 1 where you could just sit down and explore the dialogue tree a bit, without the plot relentlessly pushing you along. I'm worried that means this'll just be how Telltale approaches dialogue from now on.
EDIT: Oh, wait, there was the interaction with Mr. Toad later in the game, even if it was done in a very specific context and without much room to actually talk to the guy. So there's hope, but its an unnerving trend.