Season 2 Episode 2 Release Date Discussion: Out Now for PC/Mac/PSN/XBLA/iOS/Vita/Android



  • too much swedish

    SpiderPig posted: »

    Då var det ju verkligen inte så farligt iaf. Min och sambons lilla tradition har blivit att götta ner oss i soffan varje måndag kväl framför TWD.

  • I think that was just poor editing.

    FreddeN93 posted: »

    But if we look close Luke is not running for Clementine, nor the Walker. What if there is someone to the left behind the screenshot going for Clem. If lucky it could be Rebecca who've had enough of Clementine, and Luke can give her what she deserves.

  • FreddeN93FreddeN93 Banned
    edited February 2014

    Telltale is known for having small details like this, and actually have them matter in the episode. After all it is a screenshot. But what we see in screenshots usually change when the episode is released.

    Antero posted: »

    I think that was just poor editing.

  • .....So all we got was a picture? :/ The 25th it is I guess... -.-

  • 4-6 weeks my ass. I've been waiting forever and If you can't provide, don't promise.

  • I don't expect anything else from them today, that screenshot fulfills their publicity and PR quota of the day. Here's to a good week and hopefully fantastic episode.

    Say goodbye to the eighth week, children, nothing of consequence happened.
    Welcome to the ninth week, I'd say to expect something, but I don't know what "super soon" means.

  • Of course I was right to not get my hopes up.

  • Don't get mad yet.

    Get mad after this number goes past 64

    I don't expect anything else from them today, that screenshot fulfills their publicity and PR quota of the day. Here's to a good week and hope

  • edited February 2014

    The new episode is over and talking dead is on. Nothing by the same tired commercial played.

    The picture is nice but in my mind it's too little way too late. I know many of the glass half full people will be thinking well it's something and that's fine. For the other bunch of folks this is just another kick in the teeth. The first kick in the teeth was when 8 weeks passed and not a word came from TTG. Valentines day comes and goes with plenty of TWAU stuff.

    After all those weeks and the best they can put out to the fans is a JPEG. So much for that promise from the CEO on REDDIT "I won't dive into the details, but this has been an unusual and specific set of circumstances and we do not anticipate it happening again as we go forward with the rest of the season." Yea right at this point you can pull your lip over your head and swallow.

    It's too little too late. Frankly TTG should have posted that picture 3 weeks ago.

    Season pass = never again.

  • Yeah the whole Wolf Among Us thing was a complete and utter put off and how they overall treat their fans. I am weary of buying the 3rd season when it comes out I might just wait when it's $10 or less and all episodes will be out because I've been excited for TWD Season 2 all these months for really nothing. At least something good TWD related happened today......Abraham is hot as hell! <3

    CiscoKidd81 posted: »

    The new episode is over and talking dead is on. Nothing by the same tired commercial played. The picture is nice but in my mind it's too li

  • The arm begins to lose feeling and you step on a piece of glass and pick it up. I always leave the arm so I can listen to the intense music that cues when Lee squeezes the piece of glass in his hand and uses it as a weapon as he takes the final march through the street killing zombies. It does however further sadden the situation when you have too show Clem the bite :'(

    Sshazaam posted: »

    What happens if you don't cut his arm off?

  • Omid? After being SHOT dead at the beginning of the episode? It's likely Kenny because they give you the option to keep or burn the drawing of Kenny.

    ulop22 posted: »

    Why is everybody saying it is Kenny or Lilly? I mean it's possible but I think it's Christa or Omid.

  • Lilly is better than Kenny? Fuck you dude. Have you forgotten that she shoots Carley/Doug and is an utter BITCH along with feeding her dad's addiction to being a flat out Dick. FUCK Lilly. Kenny is awesome!!

    I really hope it's Lilly, because it would make the plot way more interesting and I just like her better that Kenny tbh. She's a kick-ass character. Plus I'm not sure Clementine knows what happend to Kenny.

  • January 28th marked the 6th week release difference of episode 1. February 16th and I've run out of fanarts to make :|

    Ellias posted: »

    Episode 2 is coming out probably in the mid to late February, or very early march.. maybe even middle. But people saying episode 2 will rel

  • JESUS!! WHO the fuck CARES?! Are you two fucks going to sit here all fucking day ruining the comment section with a retarded username? JESUS H. FUCK!!

    Ismokeherb posted: »

    Alright Batman you're the one who jumped the gun and went to Fusedmass' aid when they hadn't even replied, so how about you stop twisting word

  • If your good luck makes me wait until March to play Ep.2 I'm going to cry for days... XD

    Huntress posted: »

    March 17 is my birthday so that would be amazing. ^^

  • The 18th as a release date seems more unlikely by the minute. I know they have sometimes released an episode without previous announcement, but they seem to be setting up this week as "the week of details", not releases.

    Antero posted: »

    Don't get mad yet. Get mad after this number goes past 64

  • As mad as I am in the delayed information on Ep. 2, I found it terrible of people to use words like "lazy" to describe the Telltale staff. Do you wanna go over there and show em' how it's done you unthankful fucks?

  • Is there a chance it will be released this Tuesday?

  • Very little sadly.

    Is there a chance it will be released this Tuesday?

  • edited February 2014

    If they are willing to hire me as PR staff, I will take my "unthankful fuck[ing]" ass over to Telltale and show them how to perform basic PR work.

    As mad as I am in the delayed information on Ep. 2, I found it terrible of people to use words like "lazy" to describe the Telltale staff. Do you wanna go over there and show em' how it's done you unthankful fucks?

  • All the PR people do is post on Twiiter and Faceook every now and again and once in a blue moon they'll come on here to the forums to announce they are "creepily licking episode 2". I don't know what I should be thankful for?

    As mad as I am in the delayed information on Ep. 2, I found it terrible of people to use words like "lazy" to describe the Telltale staff. Do you wanna go over there and show em' how it's done you unthankful fucks?

  • "Omid wanted to teach me" probably doesn't hint to a "baby" wanting to teach her. I imagine the baby either recently starved or became sick and died. This probably supports that Christa's baby weight is gone and they are having an awkward grieving process means that the baby recently died but was born many months in advance. I would've liked to have had more information on "Omid II" and maybe a future DLC will feature an inbetween section (HOPEFULLY). Season pass: DEFINITELY worth the money.

    doom saber posted: »

    What an active imagination you have. Likely, Christa's baby, whom she probably named Omid, was probably still born or died during the 16 mont

  • Ummmm... it's an episodic series. Cliffhangers and player choices would be pointless without episodes.

    They should release all the episodes at the same time I love this series..then again its like a tv show, it builds suspense not knowing what is going to happen next so I can understand why they are takeing their time on releasing the next episode.

  • That's REALLY out there dude... no way they wouldn't bury him.

    Nuggets809 posted: »

    or omid cause u don't know what clem and christa did with the body, they could of left the body and an other group of survivors could of taking him into care

  • Guys, we ALL know Kenny is the one coming back. Sure we don't see Lilly or Christa die but there aren't drawings of Lilly and her dad in Clem's backpack... That drawing of Kenny and his family is there for a reason, I KNOW I didn't keep it for no reason...

  • omg i was right lol it was mid february :). And this tuesday will mark it's 2 month mark. And last season episode 2 release. We just got screenshots, and literally ttg staff said they finished playing it. so tuesday looks like a good release date. Also in last season ep 2 they released the trailer right when ep 2 came out so ya.

    January 28th marked the 6th week release difference of episode 1. February 16th and I've run out of fanarts to make

  • edited February 2014

    Alt text


  • I just hope moving forward into future episodes we as a community can all bash telltale together over delays/ terrible PR. Surprisingly there are a few people who actually are on Telltales sides which I don't seem to understand.

    And if you don't think this is going to happen to Epsiodes 3, 4, AND 5 . . .I got some really bad news for you.

  • edited February 2014

    In Clem's voice Please be right.

    Ellias posted: »

    omg i was right lol it was mid february . And this tuesday will mark it's 2 month mark. And last season episode 2 release. We just got screens

  • I guess they had their A team put that update together. I don't see how they could of possibly done any better.. SARCASM!

    For pete's sake.. Really!? An update about an update that is coming "soon" .. with a screenshot.. Is this TWAU the sequel I'm seeing here??!?

  • Dibz1Dibz1 Banned
    edited February 2014

    Yeah no joke.. Thanks puzzle.. grinds his teeth

    MyTwoCents posted: »

    I guess they had their A team put that update together. I don't see how they could of possibly done any better.. SARCASM! For pete's sake..

  • I wish I had the money to buy them out so I could fire the idiots who need it.. Which would probably be management, haha..

    Dibz1 posted: »

    Yeah no joke.. Thanks puzzle.. grinds his teeth

  • edited February 2014

    I can help you understand with 1 word..

    Staff. Lol.. I mean.. There can't be any other explanation right? They are telltale staff, haha..

    I just hope moving forward into future episodes we as a community can all bash telltale together over delays/ terrible PR. Surprisingly there

  • they didnt promise... so i guess they're good?

    4-6 weeks my ass. I've been waiting forever and If you can't provide, don't promise.

  • edited February 2014

    The FAQ states they they are under strick non disclosure agreements through MS and SONY. I hate that I can't get an update on a regular basis but at least, to me anyway, non disclosure agreements make sense as to why telltale can't update more often.

    All the PR people do is post on Twiiter and Faceook every now and again and once in a blue moon they'll come on here to the forums to announce they are "creepily licking episode 2". I don't know what I should be thankful for?

  • Alt text

    The FAQ states they they are under strick non disclosure agreements through MS and SONY. I hate that I can't get an update on a regular basis but at least, to me anyway, non disclosure agreements make sense as to why telltale can't update more often.

  • Does TT think it's customers are the enemy? That might explain the radio silence, and the soonigma code they use when they have to communicate. Am I in a war I don't even know about!?

    MyTwoCents posted: »

    I guess they had their A team put that update together. I don't see how they could of possibly done any better.. SARCASM! For pete's sake..

  • I keep seeing the same OLD season 2 trailer then end up screaming at the TV....Oh come on TT!!!

  • TT is still on time when you think about it. They said 4-6 weeks minus the holiday. That's about 4 weeks of January shaving off a couple of days from the new year since it was mid week and already close to the weekend and with only 2 weeks into February it should come out this week and still be on time.

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