Complementing Characters

Finishing up the brand new episode, I'd like to see the community's opinion on this idea.
As any player can tell, Clementine's character has shifted from the meek yet capable girl from the first encounter. Evidenced by anger-filled options given by the player, it is probable that Clementine's personality is shifting from a child following orders to a clever go-getter. Just look at how she stole the supplies without any clear direction. This forcibly developed mentality is Clementine's most interesting character trait, but if you are a lot like me, simple gameplay elements overshadowed how genius it is that a girl of her age achieved this feat. A benefit then presents itself: Clementine's amazing mentality should be emphasized. I imagine that because the game focuses on relationships and objectives for character development, a vastly different character should be introduced to emphasize Clementine's strengths. What do you guys have in mind for a personality that would complement the young heroine?

I personally imagined a young adult male that suffers from dimensia, and therefore sees the world in a much less frightening point of view. This would make for not only tension relief but could shock the audience. Imagine this scenario: According to this Character (for convenience, Charlie), a fellow survivor has a large cut in his arm. In Charlie's eyes, this is an acceptable problem, but in reality, the survivor is instead missing a limb. The failure to notice the obvious will emphasize Clementine's observant nature and make for a great plot twist. But that's just my take. Let me know what the community thinks of these ideas. I would love to see what else may await the victims of such an apocalypse.

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