The Road to Wellington
I don't think Clem will be heading up north on her own to find Christa, from small evidence in the trailer, it seems they're heading to the mountains and Luke even says that it will take four or five days to get up there. The real question is, why are they going up north the mountains and not around them?
Is Wellington inside the mountain or at the peak? And you can see they reach the mountain at around :48 in the trailer. There seems to be more a of a musty look and a cool color palette, implying it's colder. Maybe this is where Kenny and the 400 days group are? What do you think about Wellington and the mountains?
OH SHIT Clem's gonna get inducted into the Wabanci cave tribe and learn to use spears and tomahawks like a ninja! And Eddie will give her a badass leather clan hood and they can all rub wairpant on their face under Kenny's Stache turns red and they all float into the air and talk to spirit animals.
well, it's going to be winter and it will be pretty cold. Especially up in mountains. I suppose zombie activity will go down during colder seasons. I rememer reading something like that in the comics.
Cant wait for episode 2
I must have misheard. I thought they were going to Wilmington, as in Delaware. Why would they go to a nowhere town in...Ohio, I guess?
Yeah they said Wellington. Which is strange because the farthest north Wellington in America is in Ohio. Maybe it's the name of an apocalyptic camp in Pennsylvania or New York or something
Me too! Looks like a nice change in environment...