Who did you appeal to?

edited December 2013 in The Walking Dead

When Pete mentioned to cut off the arm, who did you appeal to? I dont know who to choose. :/


  • I appealed to Pete himself. Said "we have to be sure; you don't want to do anything you might regret."

  • I choose Pete too now. Showed him my "say eyes". :D

  • I appealed to Luke. Also with We have to be sure

  • edited December 2013

    The first time around, I addressed Pete, as he was the only character I'd met so far who DIDN'T seem treacherous or abrasive in some way. Big surprise he got bitten at the end of the episode. :rolleyes:

    Second time, I talked to Carlos, just to see if it would soften his behaviour towards Clem at all. No dice.

  • Carlos. I thought sad eyes-ing the amputator himself might work.

    It didn't.

  • edited December 2013

    Alvin. He seemed friendly and not so "larryish" like the others. Also my Lee sense was tinkling ":D". And he turned to be reasonable, but oh man, he is so submissive. Alvin is totally under Rebecca's thumb.

  • During my first playthrough I tried to appeal to Carlos since he was the "doctor". Second time through I tried Luke.

  • edited December 2013

    Luke, pete and mr kenny look a like man. are my freinds so i if i talked to Ms preganant bitch ass bitch. she can die in a hole BTW

  • I appealed to Alvin because he reminds me of Lee.

  • Luke. If anything the fact that he dropped me after discovering the bite makes him more trustworthy. If he didn't freak out, that would lead me to believe something was off.

    Anyways, he proceeded to back me up and say that it probably was a dog bite.

  • I gave Luke the puppy dog eyes, though in hindsight I think I should have tried to sway someone on the fence.

  • Who is the best person to appeal to? I keep re playing this part because all of the options suck. Here is what I have tried so far:
    -I have tried all the options on Rebecca, since she hates me the most, but every time she just calls bullshit on me. Same with Nick.
    -I know if you appeal to Alvin then you can get a juice box or whatever, but since he dies the next episode I don't see much point in getting on his good side.
    -Pete dies really soon, so I don't see much point.
    -I'm considering going with Luke, but since he already is on my side I don't know if appealing to him would help or hurt (if he thinks I don't trust him or something).
    -I haven't tried Carlos yet but everyone else says that it doesn't do much.

    So.... Suggestions? If not I suppose I'll just use my sad eyes on Luke or something.

  • Alvin. I could tell he was soft; I was hoping sad eyes would get straight through to him.

  • Alvin, because he hadn't said a lot so far.

  • The first time I didn't appeal to anyone, don't really remember why, I just did.

    The second time with my girlfriend backseat gamering, she made me pick Alvin.

  • You can get the juice box even if you don't appeal to Alvin.

    Who is the best person to appeal to? I keep re playing this part because all of the options suck. Here is what I have tried so far: -I have

  • First time I played, I appealed to Alvin, since I could see that he was quite a friendly guy.

  • I choose Rebecca because maybe she would have changed her mind, plus women are generally more sympathetic. I was wrong >.<

  • Doesn't matter who you appeal to, nothing works.

    Who is the best person to appeal to? I keep re playing this part because all of the options suck. Here is what I have tried so far: -I have

  • I don't really recall. Maybe i didn't appeal to anyone.

    Need to replay Season 2.

  • I appealed to pete.

  • Rebecca.

    Hey,it was worth a try, at least.

  • It's been so long, but I'm pretty sure the first time playing I tried to appeal to Luke, and he said he was on my side, and then the game crashed. I reloaded and then appealed to Carlos, since he was the doctor, after all. I can't remember if I said something or just gave him the puppy eyes, but I remember his smile seeming sincere and I thought everything'd be okay. (ha)

    Second playthrough I think I did Alvin.

    Third, I think I tried Rebecca for the hell of it, even though I knew nothing'd come of it.

  • I tried three different playthroughs, first time i did Luke, second i did Carlos and third i did Nick, i noticed that some dialogue with Nick causes him to say "This is Bullshit" in an aggressive tone and other dialogue causes him to also say "This is Bullshit" but in more of a why on earth are we even doing this kinda way

  • I appealed to Carlos first time around. I just wanted to see if I could have him patch me up and send me on my way.

  • Pete and Luke seemed to already be on my side for the most part so I chose Alvin.

  • I have just replayed the episode and I appealed to Alvin.

  • edited June 2014

    I chose Luke because he was on my side. Second time, I chose Alvin. And both times, I chose sad eyes because cuteness :D

  • I appealed to Carlos. Pete and Luke are already on my side, Rebecca and Nick were against so its unlikely I would change their mind. Alvin is a good candidate to pick because he does want to help, but he has Rebecca to contend with in order to stay in her good graces. Carlos is the only person who has yet to make up his mind, at that point. Not that the appeal really matters. One way or another, it's off to the shed.

  • I did the sad eyes on Luke.

  • But he did this creepy smile.

    Carlos. I thought sad eyes-ing the amputator himself might work. It didn't.

  • Peter Joseph Randall, he seemed like the nicest guy in the group.

  • First time : Luke--> sad eyes

  • I chose to [sad eyes] Carlos. I knew he was on the fence and tried to use the fact that he had a daughter to push him in the right direction. You could see the difference in how he treats her afterwards.

  • Alt text

    Spooch posted: »

    I did the sad eyes on Luke.

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