Sam and Max's Various Outbursts

edited July 2008 in Sam & Max
This is a thread where we compile our favorite,hilarious comments made by Sam and Max such as:

"They're mine! Not'chos!"-Max at Bosco's

"If you take the Lard out of Lard-Ass, all you hafe is ass!"-Max at "Cookin' Without Lookin' "


  • edited July 2008
    Also, please compile Sam's reactions to the Comissioner on the phone at the beginning of most episodes. I'm gonna try to memorize a few. Your welcome to try also.
  • edited July 2008
    Isn't this the same or simular to the quotes thread?
  • edited July 2008
    I'm kinda new and have only viewed 5 other threads, so it might be.
  • edited July 2008
    I have comments from Bosco's Inconvienience in 101, Culture Shock.
    p.s i probably spelt inconvineince wrong but who cares?

    Sam: Do you have any:
    weasels on a stick?
    two-handed broadswords?
    vegetables in the shape of famous naturalists?
    candy-pink fatboys?
    exiled political dissidints?
    weapons of mass destruction?
    Who's asking?
  • edited July 2008
    This is Sam talking to hypnotized Whizzzer.

    Sam:whos is this Brady Culture fellow anyway?

    Max: -And what kind of steroids does he use on his

    Max to Sam in Bosco's.

    Max: Look, Sam! Mr. Hot Weenie's eating a hot weenie!

    Sam: This rampant weeine cannibalism turns my stomach.
  • edited July 2008
    Sam shooting cheese in office.

    Sam:Take that you law breaking dairy products!

    Max: Sam, no! The cheese was innocent!

    Sam: Innocent, I think not.
  • edited July 2008
    Max: "I want a map of the netherlands on my netherlands."
  • edited July 2008
    I'm gonna issude a challenge to everyone...or the 3 who have viewed my forum lol. If you have the writting spped to write down a full reaction from Sam to the Comish, i will be amazed. i once wrote down half, but thats as far as ive gotten.
  • edited July 2008
    I managed to write down a response!

    "Great, thundering jellyfish on the road to mayem!"

    This is right after when Whizzer is knocked out by B-TADS.

    Sam: It's a lot more entertaining to see it when its not happening to me.

    Max: It's pretty entertaining either way.


    Sam: How about an autograph for my pal?

    Max: You can sign my butt! Make it out to "Squinky"!

    Specs: Sorry, I dont sign butts anymore. People get tickelish and it gets meesed up.

    Max: I'll risk it.
  • edited July 2008
    Chaosfan wrote: »
    Max: "I want a map of the netherlands on my netherlands."

    I believe when Bosco says it is was better.
  • edited July 2008
    ^spoilers, much?
  • edited July 2008
    ^Not so much.
  • edited July 2008
    Some of my favorites:

    "Either one of us is ticking, or termites are burrowing through my skull!"

    "Sam, when are we gonna get another case? Surely the local lawbreakers must miss our esoteric personalized brand of criminal justice!"

    "I love golf carts! They're like lawn mowers with teeth!"

    "Ow! You shot me in the ass, buckethead!"

    Max: "Sam, I don't think I mentioned that I may have accidentally chewed through the brake wires!" Sam: "No, I don't think you did." Max: "I guess we'll have to slow down by violently rear ending other motorists!" Sam: "Already planning on it, little buddy!"

    Bosco: "Okay, now forget this conversation ever happened!" Max: "What conversation?" Bosco: "The conversation we just had!" Sam: "No no, see, he's pretending he forgot the conversation we just had." Bosco: "What conversation?!" Max: "Oh brother."

    Max: "It's been five minutes since my last brush with death, and I'm starting to feel kind of woozy!" Sam: "Try eating a cookie!"
  • edited July 2008
    Actually Max says the netherlands thing first after you knock peepers out and try to
    get a tattoo as a reward.
  • edited July 2008
    Chaosfan wrote: »
    Actually Max says the netherlands thing first after you knock peepers out and try to
    get a tattoo as a reward.

    True. But I still like it better when Bosco says it.
  • edited July 2008
    Holy jumping saints aplenty riding sidewise on a candy pink fatboy!
  • edited July 2008
    XD Gotta love Sam!
  • edited July 2008
    Memo: Plz post comments from after 104 only if they dont give away anything. I cant get my mom to give me allowence so i can finaly buy 105. Sad, i know.

    "Great thundering jellyfish on the road to mayem!" Sooooooooo Sam, right?
  • edited July 2008
    Wat spoilers deli?
  • edited July 2008
    TIME OUT FOR #2! Oh wait, thats whizzer lol
  • edited July 2008
    One of my all time faves.

    (reading sign in Bosco's)

    Sam: SPECIAL: Buy one, get one!
    Max: What a deal!
  • edited July 2008
    Bosco: Guys, does it sound like my package is ticking to you?
    Max: Not your best pick up line, Bosco.
    Bosco: I think my package is THE BOMB!
    Max: Now THAT'S a pick up line!

    I honestly never get tired of that. Hell, I'd love to have a t-shirt that says Bosco's pick up line.
  • edited July 2008
    Sam: "Hey Bosc... oh dear god." I just love the way he says that^^

    Also good in german:

    Sam: "Hey Bosc... ach du scheiße." You can translate that in 'oh shit'
  • Bosco: Guys, does it sound like my package is ticking to you?
    Max: Not your best pick up line, Bosco.
    Bosco: I think my package is THE BOMB!
    Max: Now THAT'S a pick up line!

    I honestly never get tired of that. Hell, I'd love to have a t-shirt that says Bosco's pick up line.
    I LOVE that so much! Best quote ever, after a ton of others. Truth be told, I still can't get over the
    Secret Service Agents singing "The War Song"
  • edited July 2008
    My favorite Bosco ism has to be "Tally Ho fools!"

    ahahahaha, oh man. I want a shirt that says "does it sound like my package is ticking to you" as well, that'd be awesome!
  • edited July 2008
    Nah, the line on the shirt would have to be "My package is the bomb!"
  • edited July 2008
    No, it has to be "I'm naked!"
  • edited July 2008
    i love: aww look Max, it's a little goth mole man
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