Unknown screenshot

edited July 2008 in Sam & Max
I don't remember seeing this scene at all. Which episode is it from?


  • edited July 2008
    This is a screenshot from the new video game, Mafia 2. This is not a Sam & Max video game screenshot. Carry on.
  • edited July 2008
    Season 1, Episode 3: The Mole, the Mob, and the Meatball. Final fight.
  • edited July 2008
    Kedri wrote: »
    Season 1, Episode 3: The Mole, the Mob, and the Meatball. Final fight.
    Actually is is the driving sequence before the final showdown with Ted E. Bear.
  • edited July 2008
    Aren;t the mobsters a dead givaway?
  • edited July 2008
    xChri5x wrote: »
    Aren;t the mobsters a dead givaway?

    No, Free Corpse Weekend at the cemetery is a dead giveaway.
  • edited July 2008
    No, Free Corpse Weekend at the cemetery is a dead giveaway.

    Comment of the MILLENNIUM! You win 25 golden internets.
  • edited July 2008
    No, Free Corpse Weekend at the cemetery is a dead giveaway.

    no mobsters wearing bear heads holding bazookas are a dead giveaway
  • edited July 2008
    splash1 wrote: »
    no mobsters wearing bear heads holding bazookas are a dead giveaway

    Wow, what the hell was that thing that just flew over Splash1's head? Oh yeah it was the joke.
  • edited July 2008
    Actually is is the driving sequence before the final showdown with Ted E. Bear.

    Oh, yeah, thought I missed something there...As for the joke, it actually took me a few minutes. When it did hit me though, I cracked up.
  • edited July 2008
    Oh wow. Lmao. This is a great thread, because that was a totally awesome joke, as well as the screenshot. I found Season 1 to be extremely hilarious thanks to the zany capers of Hugh Bliss...And just how he talks and all. Not to mention poor Max getting split into pieces. :( Hi, I'm Hugh Bliss!
  • edited July 2008
    Bliss's voice scared me, reminded me of a peado.
  • edited July 2008
    In combination with his color obsession and his red eyes I had a drug addict in mind.
  • edited July 2008
    A drug addict peado?
  • edited July 2008
    A drug addicted hippie peado^^
  • lol, this sequence will be great when it comes on Wii! Totally reserving it!
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