Change 'Standard vs Minimal' back to 'Detect Selectables and Story Notifications'

edited December 2013 in The Walking Dead

I've recently played through the first episode of The Walking Dead's second season, and I certainly enjoyed it as much as I always have with Telltale's Walking Dead games (aka it was great). However I am not very fond of the new gameplay options of 'Standard' display vs 'Minimal'. I played the first season with 'Story Notifications' off but 'Detect Selectables' on, and I felt this was perfect.

Not having the game tell you what the characters are thinking forces you to pay more attention to what characters say and how they behave to get a more immersive and visceral understanding of your relationships with them. However I ended up dying more times in this one episode than I did through the entirety of Season 1, and I also spent far more time scanning my cursor all over the screen looking for what I can interact with to advance the story. This is mainly because in the previous season the objects I could interact with at any given time had a small circle over them. I very much preferred this, and I know it's in the 'Standard' display option, but I would really prefer to play without story cues. Frankly, the fact that this customization has been removed from the game seems like a small step backwards and doesn't make any sense to me.

I very much enjoyed this episode of The Walking Dead, but I hope someone at Telltale will see this and return these settings to make it an even better experience for me. Thank you!

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