Broken savegames/steam cloud issue (Season 1)
Hey everyone
In order to make sure that Season 2 will use my proper savegames from the first season, I was forced to start all anew (as I f*cked up my old savegames because I played the first episode again without creating a new save file)
Anyways, I started the game in steam and clearly deleted the save file from slot 1 that was showing up. Then I started a new game, played the first episode and made my decisions. At the end I was presented my summary with the decisions I've made and giving me a quick preview what will happen in episode 2: for instance, I chose to save Carlys life instead of Dougs, which I chose in the first walkthrough.
Then, I switched to episode 2 by making sure I didn't skip anything from the main menu or sth, and clicked on "continue" right below the 1st episode. The title screen came on, everything was fine, untill the characters in the intro sequence started chatting about Doug.. I thought "hold on a minute - I let that guy die!" Then when the first sequence was over and the whole group was showing in the camp, clearly Doug was standing there next to me. WTF?
I quit the game, ran it again - same thing. I even deleted the savegames in "C:\Users\Username\Documents\Telltale Games\the walking dead", but steam simply downloaded the latest information from its cloud - with the same result, showing Doug alive and well.
After disabling steam cloud synchronisation I deleted the savegames again, only remaining a couple of files, assuming that they contain the correct information, saved a few minutes before episode 1 ended. After running the game again, I had the exact same situation as before: Doug was alive.
I was googling for a solution to the steam cloud issue and got the info, that you can delete the cloud files with a workaround, messing around with your files in "Steam\userdata\SteamID\AppID\remote\"
I got into that folder with AppID 207610 (this is the one for TWD), but there was no "remote" folder, simply 1 file called remotecache.vdf
- How can I resolve this problem with the game taking my old desicions instead of using the ones I just made?
- How can I delete the files from steam cloud if there are no remote-files under my AppID ?
I'm not keen on starting anew again, simply because I've seen the 1st episode for a couple of times now and getting tired of it. But if there's no other way, I wouldn't mind doing it. But I'm simply tired of fussing around with it. I need a solution, follow those instructions and get it done.
Hopefully there's someone out there who's able to help me...
edit: I just maneged to keep it going somehow. I rewinded Ep1 a little and took the last few decisions again, somehow altering my savegame. After completing the 1st episode I returned back to desktop and copied my prefs.prop file from "Steam\SteamApps\common\The Walking Dead\Pack\default" into the documents folder under "C:\Users\Username\Documents\Telltale Games\the walking dead"
After that, Ep2 started normally and I had the guys talking about Carley and I saw her in the camp as well.
So I guess that was it, actually pretty simple - if you know about it. But I'll just hope I can keep it that way...
Or does anybody know if I'll have to do this from now on after each and every episode, or will the game just keep going like this?