Sarah isn't that bad.

I don't think Sarah will become a psychopath or will be trouble like everybody says. She is just a poor girl who is too sheltered by her dad, Carlos. Plus, she kinda reminds of the old Clem from S1. Maybe in episode 3 we will teach Sarah how to survive despite what Carlos says (unless he dies in episode 2 hopefully) and soon she will be a survivor and who knows, maybe she will survive at the end of this season with Clem hopefully. Plus, Clem needs a new friend considering all the shit she has been through.


  • I support the theory, that she'll be taught by Clementine, if players chooses that option, like Lee taught her to survive and adjust to the world. I'd like for her to surprise people by actually keeping hope alive and while being taking back, she's dosen't break like her father thought she would.

  • Trust me. Tell tale will use that pinkie swear to bite you in the ass sometime. Probably will get you in trouble with Carlos. Cant wait! :) she is no psycopath she just hasnt talked with people her age. Thats why her social skills are a little rusty

  • I wouldn't exactly hope for Carlos to be killed. If anyone in the group is a bit of an asshole, I'd say they're our asshole. Hoping for them to be killed is weakening the group and possibly destroying Sarah if Carlos

  • I agree. She's been isolated in a cabin with only books for company while the grown ups are doing their thing. So, I don't think it's weird that she's a little excited to meet someone who is closer to her age that she can socialize with.

    Trust me. Tell tale will use that pinkie swear to bite you in the ass sometime. Probably will get you in trouble with Carlos. Cant wait! she is no psycopath she just hasnt talked with people her age. Thats why her social skills are a little rusty

  • This.

    Especially hoping for the group doctor to die. That's just silly.

    Kryik posted: »

    I wouldn't exactly hope for Carlos to be killed. If anyone in the group is a bit of an asshole, I'd say they're our asshole. Hoping for them to be killed is weakening the group and possibly destroying Sarah if Carlos

  • I don't believe she is a psycho, but clearly she doesn't act her age. I mean sure, maybe she didn't have to go through so much like Clem did, but still her expression, her voice tone, I could swear I immediately sensed something was wrong with her. I accepted the "pinky swear" knowing it would backfire in the future, but I just felt like it was the smart move to do there. I got the peroxide and and for the moment Clem's survival was more important than a future social problem.

  • I dont think she's bad at all, just a little bit "slow". I never got the impression that she was going to go on some murder rampage or something. If anything, she'll probably have to be protected by Clementine from some danger.

  • The book about body snatchers from other dimension. It's a hint. She's not human. Pinky swear is her way to communicate.

  • Yeah, Carlos is probably the most useful person there aside from Pete and Luke who can fight walkers. Nick can't use a gun properly, Rebecca is pregnant, Sarah doesn't have survival skills and Alvin's kinda fat. Their group is practically doomed unless we get some more gun-friendly group members in the future (Vince.) (Also Wyatt is pretty good with a gun considering he can headshot walkers.)

    Flog61 posted: »

    This. Especially hoping for the group doctor to die. That's just silly.

  • The Wolf Among Us crossover?

    I think she has a slight hint of autism. Also, she never brought up the pinkie swear.

    Butt-head posted: »

    The book about body snatchers from other dimension. It's a hint. She's not human. Pinky swear is her way to communicate.

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