A way I see Season 2's "credits" being

edited December 2013 in The Walking Dead

IN season 1, We had the credit song "Take Us Back" playing. For some of us (Me Included) this instantly made us think back to the motor inn, when everything was relatively peaceful and everyone was (mostly happy). Now Since we're playing as Clem, I was thinking the credit's should be a cutscene of the peaceful 2 -3 months at the motor inn from Clems perspective, seeing all the happy moments of the group together, there's much we don't know that happend. The scenes will skip from weeks etc. And will allow us to see Lee again to record new lines etc. We can have things like celebrating a birthday together, funny moments and just scenes that warm our heart.
I think this is important since if we're going to have a season 3, it wont be untill 2015 at the latest, so Season 2 will need someone to really impact our hearts.

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