Theory: The Next to Die

edited December 2013 in The Walking Dead

Within the new group and aside from Pete who probably is least likely to survive, who out of Carlos, Sarah, Luke, Rebecca, Alivn, and Nick, is first to bite the bullet?

Obviously people will die and might even happen next episode. My money's on Carlos. He seems to be running things so killing off the group's leader will really shake things up IMO.


  • Not me that's for sure :P

    acolledge posted: »

    Dunno. Who will take care of his daughter if he does?

  • Dunno. Who will take care of his daughter if he does?

  • i think even if you save Luke or Pete one of them will die. i think definetly Sarah or Rebecca

  • I can easily see Luke and/or Pete if he survives taking care of her and Clem. Clem at this point doesn't even need taken care of so she could very well teach her a few things about surviving like Lee did to Clem.

    acolledge posted: »

    Dunno. Who will take care of his daughter if he does?

  • Alvin. being forced by his wife (who is craving a Salmon straight from Lake Michigan) to go and get her one. On his way back, is ambushed by a mob of walkers. Poor guy was just obeying orders :(

  • R.I.P Alvin :'(

    Alvin. being forced by his wife (who is craving a Salmon straight from Lake Michigan) to go and get her one. On his way back, is ambushed by a mob of walkers. Poor guy was just obeying orders

  • Alvin is to obvious to die before the others, I mean look at Doug/Carley. Nobody expected them to die before Ben, Katjaa, Duck, etc.

  • and it will be totally heartbreaking if after pete's death,the next one is luke

  • I have a feeling Luke will die protecting clem in the last episode :(

  • Could definitely see this. I think Luke will be the Lee of season 2.

    Legendary12 posted: »

    I have a feeling Luke will die protecting clem in the last episode

  • Sarah is definately the most vulnerable group member at this point. As for who is going to die in epsiode 2, Carlos seems to be a decent bet. I have a feeling that episode 2 won't be a very heavy episode in terms of bodycount.

  • Carlos. i hope he DIES!!!! IN A FIRE!!!!!!

  • Sarah is definitely dying before Carlos does. It'll probably be at least partially Clem's fault, so we can see the drama unfold with Carlos reacting to Clem. At that point there will be a fall out of whoever the current group is, and fun times will follow.

  • I think Nick will do something stupid or quick tempered. So i would say Nick. Either him or Luke. (this is besides Pete of course) Even though I like Luke, he seems like the only character who actually cares about other people and unfortunately those people are the ones to go.

  • If Carlos died, it would be cool if we were the ones teaching Sarah how to use a gun, and stuff, but like Carlos said, she would probably get a very serious trauma due to the violence and gore that's happening in the world.

  • I feel the bolder and more resourceful people who are more likely to take action, as well as the really nice or excessively mean-hearted people sort of paint a bullseye on their own chest. If you're an absolute jerk you can end up getting yourself killed by not thinking before you speak, if you're a really nice person you can be a little too selfless or too trusting in your actions and get yourself killed, and if you're a very bold and resourceful person you can be viewed as too much of an asset to your team; and so antagonist groups will specifically target you.

  • For all i care everyone can die except for Luke and perhaps Alvin!

  • For all i care, everyone can die except for Luke and Alvin!

    I think Nick will do something stupid or quick tempered. So i would say Nick. Either him or Luke. (this is besides Pete of course) Even though

  • Haha same

    For all i care, everyone can die except for Luke and Alvin!

  • To be honest, I think it's either going to be Luke or Sarah. Luke sounds ridiculous, I know, but seeing that everyone has started to love him, so they'll kill him off to shake us up like they usually do. Sarah is just... basically inevitable, I guess.

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