CSI Hard evident - The Peacemaker case

edited July 2008 in CSI: Gaming Discussion
running into a glitch with the program? It will not let me compare keith's fingerprints to those collected from the 2x 9mm pistols collected at the crime scene....the "Confirm match" button remains greyed out and I am unable to click it! any help would be greatly appreciated. I can see that the prints match, but am unable to hit the match key since the button remains greyed out.

I am running windows vista on a HP pavilion dv9000 laptop...7600 go video card. I have tried various resolutions etc..nothing is working.


    edited July 2008
    Bah....had a blonde moment...forgot to drag the pieces to the print i wanted to match...=)
  • MarkDarinMarkDarin Former Telltale Staff
    edited July 2008
    Heh. Happens to the best of us!
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