Closet items and other case recollections

edited August 2008 in Sam & Max
I've only purchased 3 Sam and Max episodes (one of them was Abe Lincoln must die) and I've never gotten a complete look at all the items Sam and Max collected from their cases and I was wondering if anyone could fill me in on what "skeletons" they hide in their closet/all over the office (note, I'm making a fan game script so I need to know what items Sam and Max look at around their office)


  • edited July 2008
    Your trying to transcribe all the dialog in the game!?! You must have the patience of a god. There are like over 2500 lines of dialog per episode.
  • edited July 2008
    no I want a complete list of soveneres they've collected for each case, you know like Leonard Steakcharmer, Brady Culture's hair, the Whack da ratz game
  • edited July 2008
    I think he means he's trying to create a script for a fan-game. Not a fan-script for the games. :P
  • edited July 2008
    correct, which also involves pointless conversations involving looking at their new "Office Decor"
  • edited July 2008
    Trogdorman wrote: »
    correct, which also involves pointless conversations involving looking at their new "Office Decor"

    I think one of the basic rules of writing is that if any conversation is pointless, it shouldn't be in the story/script. ;)
  • edited July 2008
    Botap wrote: »
    I think one of the basic rules of writing is that if any conversation is pointless, it shouldn't be in the story/script. ;)
    Not necessarily.
    For example, in one of the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy novels (I forget which one), as well as the radio show, there was an extended aside about how an overabundance of shoe shops killed a planet's economy.
    What did it have to do with the plot?
    Well, other than being a history of the planet the plot was currently taking place on, nothing. But it was funny.
    Well, I guess you could say 'being funny' is a point, so...
    I got nothing.
  • edited July 2008
    Botap wrote: »
    I think one of the basic rules of writing is that if any conversation is pointless, it shouldn't be in the story/script. ;)

    you may be half right, but that never stopped Sam and Max before, and it's not stopping me
  • edited July 2008
    Well, in the case of Sam and Max I'd say it isn't pointless simply because humorous observations are what they're all about. And occasional, gratuitous violence.

    But in no way was I suggesting you stop. :) I wish I could help you out with the stuff in the office, but the main thing I remember is the frog mariachis. Love those guys.

    As for Hitchhiker's Guide, well, very few people can get away with random, unrelated backstory the way the great Douglas Adams could. :D
  • edited July 2008
    ok I think I got it now:

    A singing bear's head

    Salvia Hispanic Brady

    an Ice cream cone shaped waste basket

    a stone carved Fish tank

    The North Pole

    a volcanoe

    the Whack-da-Ratz game

    frog mariachis

    Zombie Abe Lincoln's brain

    Boxing Betty

    VR Goggles

    President's severed head

    ceremonial urn


    Brady Culture's hair

    Mauled Surfboard

    Jar o bliss

    Leonard Steakcharmer (formally)
  • edited August 2008
    That jar of Hugh Bliss makes me tremble to this day.
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