Am I the only one who thought the special effects on Two-face were overdone? This was the one opportunity to have a truly believable live-action Two-face, and we get something that (in my opinion) looked like it came from Terminator 3.
Still, in terms of character development, I thought it was perfect. And I really liked the way they handled the coin.
I would have preferred a more "burn victim" look than "string cheese face" or "the mummy" (however you see it), but I far prefer this movie's Two Face visuals to the Jones version. And the character was a lot better too... not just some pawn of the Riddler. (stupid Tommy Lee Jones... grumble grumble)
I finally saw it! Wow! Everything about this moving was so awesome! The joker was a refreshingly new and beleivable character. In fact, there was only one thing I did not like about this movie. Batman. His mask makes his face look fat and angry (with small beady eyes) and his low raspy voice severely annoys me. I would much prefer the classic deep voice. But that didn't stop me at all from loving the movie.
I'm suprised I didn't see the thing with Harvy Dent coming considering he was always flipping that coin...
Anyways, there is a lot of tragedy and killing that is normally prevented by the superhero in other movies. This movie really is a cliche killer, A+
In fact, there was only one thing I did not like about this movie. Batman. His mask makes his face look fat and angry (with small beady eyes) and his low raspy voice severely annoys me. I would much prefer the classic deep voice. But that didn't stop me at all from loving the movie.
I'm Batma.. *cough*
I was waiting for him to start coughing through every one of his lines.
And why does he still use the voice with people who know that he is Batman?
I always hated Batman but loved the villains.
In my mind The Dark Knight is the best action film ever made hands down. It had everything I'd want from a Batman film and more. Ledgers performance was extraordinary.
Incredibly there was only one point where the movie failed plot-wise.
When they're escortig Harvey Dent, presuming he's Batman, they encounter the flaming firetruck. Instead of doing the obvious thing and going to the oncoming traffic lane (road's closed anyhow), they go into the freaking tunnel, even though they rely heavily on air support.
I wasn't really even thinking about inconsistencies, but my instincts just screamed that that's the wrong course of action.
But it was a pretty awesome movie. Slightly overrated though. It's very good, but hardly the best movie ever made. Best comic-book movie ever made? Definitely. But I'd rank it into the same area as Sin City or Kill Bill.
Well... uh... maybe they saw the firetruck and paniced. If you're facing down a flaming truck, are you going to think rationally? Or maybe the other road was sealed with fairy dust... or something...
Why didn't they just call in Superman in to lift the flaming firetruck? I mean really.
God damn Superman, always has to outdo any other super hero because he's freakin invincible and has a million powers. Maybe that's why nobody likes him. Or maybe its the collorful tights and underwear combo
the Joker blows up the hospital, looks back and hits the detonator a few times before it blows up completely
I thought that part was hilarious. I really liked how they made two-face, but they should have made it so
he didn't die
!!! he was too awesome to die. great movie. 4 and a half stars (half taken off because they just made it a little too long. they could have ended it when they
Completely loved it, was in awe. Gary Oldman, Michael Caine and Morgan Freeman were brilliant. What I missed though is that it lacked Two-Face's history of spilt-personality which he had before he became Two-Face. Otherwise, brilliant.
at the beginning when all of the jokers minions just kept on killing each other. it was just so random!!!!
How was that random? There was clearly a lot of, albeit twisted, logic behind it. Does everything causing even the slightest source of amusement have to be "random"?
Okay that unwarranted nit picking aside, I thought the film was pretty good. I enjoyed it a lot more than the last and as everyone on the face of the earth has said Heath Ledger is fantastic as The Joker.
i thought the movie was great.
my mom didn't like it cuz she thought it was too violent, but come on! at least we didn't actually see the cheek cutting like in Pan's Labyrinth! :rolleyes:
What do you mean? Did I accidently reveal spoilers?!
I think he meant the Two-Face part. I suppose it's a spoiler of sorts (I didn't see coming until he burnt his face, but I never really watched the show or read the comics), but a little research reveals that Harvey Dent has always been Two-Face, so you probably should know this already.
Ok heres my TWO-CENTS (get it? two-cents...), It ties in increadibly well with batman begins giving a nod with the Scarecrow scandel at the begining (get it? Batman BEGINS, at the BEGINNING). The Joker was the best one I have ever seen. I like to think it was taken mostly from the animated series with a little of Ledger's personal depresion mixed in. Two-face was exelently portrayed by Eckhart and it allowed his real non-understanding on life shine in. In Batman Forever he would flip the coin many times befor the desiered outcome and is more indepdand on chece than I wanted him to be. It changed in the Dark Night. Now I have learned that I must do everything in my power to play Dick Grayson in the next mmovie, by the way, next person to tell me the names of the superheros Dick becomes gets a prize that I will make up between posts.
Went and saw it a few days back (yeah yeah, we have a toddler, it aint easy to get to the movies when we want) and yeah, it was good. Felt a little overlong, like two films meshed together. I got this whole "yep, this is the ending" satisfaction and then it started again for another hour and a half!? but still, very good.
I loved the Joker's portrayal, less chaotic in the giggling loon sort of way and more scary psycho, which appeals. Sad thing is, I second guessed all his plans before they were revealed to the audience. Were they that obvious or am I just a bit odd?
I did fully anticipate
the detonators for the ships to be a double bluff. He said they had the other ships one, I so expected one lot to press the button and blow themselves up because they had their OWN detonator
Alfred was awesome as always (I do so love Alfred) and Two face, now he was great. The way they did that effect.. woah. though
what the hell burns that hot that quick?
I loved the origin for the coin, the way he was totally driven by chance (as he SHOULD be damnit) and had a very very good reason for being how he was. One of the better ways of covering his origin i've seen. Most of the time it's off screen and you don't really care about Harvey.
Anyway, it lived up to the hype certainly. I enjoyed it thoroughly.
the detonators for the ships to be a double bluff. He said they had the other ships one, I so expected one lot to press the button and blow themselves up because they had their OWN detonator
Was there a double bluff though? I'm not sure it became clear in the movie; both ways make sense for the Joker, since either way
at most one ship would be blown up
Two face, now he was great. The way they did that effect.. woah.
I loved the origin for the coin, the way he was totally driven by chance (as he SHOULD be damnit) and had a very very good reason for being how he was.
I liked the attention they gave to Harvey's character and how he develops his split personality too. I didn't really like the CGI face though; it was a bit too fake for my taste. I think a more realistic burn-victim-look would have been far more unsettling and more appropriate for as serious (versus cartoony) a movie as this was.
Was there a double bluff though? I'm not sure it became clear in the movie; both ways make sense for the Joker, since either way
at most one ship would be blown up
I liked the attention they gave to Harvey's character and how he develops his split personality too. I didn't really like the CGI face though; it was a bit too fake for my taste. I think a more realistic burn-victim-look would have been far more unsettling and more appropriate for as serious (versus cartoony) a movie as this was.
As for the double bluff thing, you'll notice that after
both sides decide not to press the button
the Joker
looks surprised, having expected them to have blown each other up by then.
Of course, he did have an actual detonation switch, he just didn't expect to have to use it.
I would have preferred a more "burn victim" look than "string cheese face" or "the mummy" (however you see it), but I far prefer this movie's Two Face visuals to the Jones version. And the character was a lot better too... not just some pawn of the Riddler. (stupid Tommy Lee Jones... grumble grumble)
I'm suprised I didn't see the thing with Harvy Dent coming considering he was always flipping that coin...
Anyways, there is a lot of tragedy and killing that is normally prevented by the superhero in other movies. This movie really is a cliche killer, A+
I'm Batma.. *cough*
I was waiting for him to start coughing through every one of his lines.
And why does he still use the voice with people who know that he is Batman?
I always hated Batman but loved the villains.
I wasn't really even thinking about inconsistencies, but my instincts just screamed that that's the wrong course of action.
But it was a pretty awesome movie. Slightly overrated though. It's very good, but hardly the best movie ever made. Best comic-book movie ever made? Definitely. But I'd rank it into the same area as Sin City or Kill Bill.
God damn Superman, always has to outdo any other super hero because he's freakin invincible and has a million powers. Maybe that's why nobody likes him. Or maybe its the collorful tights and underwear combo
I thought that part was hilarious. I really liked how they made two-face, but they should have made it so
Okay that unwarranted nit picking aside, I thought the film was pretty good. I enjoyed it a lot more than the last and as everyone on the face of the earth has said Heath Ledger is fantastic as The Joker.
my mom didn't like it cuz she thought it was too violent, but come on! at least we didn't actually see the cheek cutting like in Pan's Labyrinth! :rolleyes:
Minion 1: *Minion puts up gun to other minion* "So let me guess... the boss told you to kill me once I was done"
Minion 2: *sigh* "No, I kill the Bus Driver,"
Minion 1: "What Bus driver?" *Bus breaks through wall, killing Minion 1*
Minion 3: "Where are all the other Guys?"
*Minion 2 guns him down, revealing himself as the Joker*
I loved this small portion of the script. such awesome, fitted into one small place. ^_^
What do you mean? Did I accidently reveal spoilers?!
Perhaps Nightwing?
whats with that face?
Why so serious?
I got bored halfway through, but it's amusing at the beginning anyway.
Wasn't it a pencil?
That part was kind of a "laugh then look around nervously" thing for me.
Also, I just made a video that uses The Dark Knight's main trailer:
I loved the Joker's portrayal, less chaotic in the giggling loon sort of way and more scary psycho, which appeals. Sad thing is, I second guessed all his plans before they were revealed to the audience. Were they that obvious or am I just a bit odd?
I did fully anticipate
Alfred was awesome as always (I do so love Alfred) and Two face, now he was great. The way they did that effect.. woah. though
Anyway, it lived up to the hype certainly. I enjoyed it thoroughly.
I liked the attention they gave to Harvey's character and how he develops his split personality too. I didn't really like the CGI face though; it was a bit too fake for my taste. I think a more realistic burn-victim-look would have been far more unsettling and more appropriate for as serious (versus cartoony) a movie as this was.
Of course, he did have an actual detonation switch, he just didn't expect to have to use it.
Well he was Robin then Nightwing.
I'm still wanting to play Harley. But pfft, I doubt she's even gonna get a chance to be in a film now tat Ledger has popped his clogs.