Carlos, the biggest threat in the new group?

edited December 2013 in The Walking Dead

To clem anyway. I feel he's almost a little like Kenny/Kat was with duck but even more overprotective. I have no doubt if he percieves clem a threat to sarah he'll kill her. I did say sorry to him so I guess I'm in the best position with him in the next episode. I have the wonder what role he's gonna play but clem will be keeping her guard up round him thats for sure.

Does anyone agree or is someone else in this new group more of a threat?

rRbbecca dosnt really worry me she's more bark and no bite


  • You think he was Kenny? That's intresting, I think he's the new "Larry" of the group. Compare his attitude to clem to Larry's attitude to Lee.

    Kenny never really threatened to throw you out to death for talking to his son.
    But yeah, he's a threat. A big one. Just as much as Rebecca.

  • edited December 2013

    I agree with the Kenny/Katjaa comparison. He seems to be an okay guy in general who will help you if it doesn't cause him any trouble but it's clear that he will go to some extremes to protect his daughter. Now normally, that's a good thing but when push comes to shove, he'll sell Clementine down a river if it means his daughter escapes unscathed. And, yeah, that makes him a threat. Him and his daughter both. I'm going to try to keep my distance from them but somehow I feel that isn't really going to work. Kinda sucks when the biggest internal threat to your safety is also the only doctor in the group.

  • I think he will try and kill Clem at some point. In the next episode you see Clem talking to Sarah(?) and i think Sarah may find out what the world is like now and get crazy and Carlos will try and kill Clem and i think you may need to kill him.

  • I got a strong feeling that Carlos will remain alive for a long long time.

  • edited December 2013

    I definitely believe that he's way overprotective when it comes to Sarah. He kinda gives me a Hershel vibe though.. I'm not sure why, lol. I don't think he'll try to kill Clem, but I don't think he would hesitate to kick her out of the group if she did something he didn't agree with.

  • Carlos is a ticking time bomb and a quack. I don't even believe he's a doctor. If anything happens to sarah with clem around- god know's what this man is capable of.

  • I think their major confrontation wont be next episode but probably 4 or 5

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