Season 2 Episode 1 too similar to S1 EP1?
Found this on the wiki page,and thought it would be worth sharing here,just added a few myself.
And actually if you take a better look at it,its actually true.Obviously,Clem hammering Lee was an intentional reference to Episode 1,but when you follow the episode from start to finish,it strikes a lot of similarities with Episodes 1 of Season 1.
Take a look:
-Clementine ends up alone at the beginning due to an accident that resulted in her being knocked unconscious, as did Lee.
-Once she wakes up,she is surrounded by walkers the very second,as is Lee.
-She ended up severely injured in her limb, and had to fend off a few walkers in that condition, as did Lee.
-She ends up being threatened by a man who tells her to stay away from his daughter, the exact same demand made to Lee by Larry.
-You had the option to lie or tell the truth about the bite/wound,just like at Hershel's farm.
-Clementine has to choose whether to save Pete or Nick, like Lee had to with Carley and Doug.
-Clementine and Lee both kill a walker with a hammer after a great struggle.
-Clementine killed a trapped walker with a melee weapon, as Lee did to his zombified brother.
-Clementine found an important object that helped her out and moved the plot forward (or solved a "puzzle" if you wish) - the knife,just like Lee did (the keys).
-The reason you had to chose between Pete and Nick,or Carley and Doug,is because one ran out of ammo (Pete - Carley) and one was overwhelmed by walkers (Doug - Nick).
-The option to either kill or leave the wounded dog is similar to the option to leave or kill the wounded (bitten) girl in Episode 1.Just like in S1,it probably won't matter much.
Let me guess,Carver is a cannibal?
Shameless bump.
I say what I said in the other thread about this, maybe it was intentional. Maybe TT wanted you to see Clem's reaction/choices to these similar situations that Lee went through.
These were the only notable ones. The rest are all fairly common tropes in zombie fiction and adventure games. Especially the one about finding "an important object that helped her out and moved the plot forward." That's pretty much the bread and butter of adventure games.
This one isn't quite right. Clem isn't surrounded by walkers when she wakes up after her accident (falling in the river). It's much after that when she's passing out from the dog bite that has parallels with Lee slowly opening up his eyes after the accident and seeing/hearing zombies all around him.
Also, I actually thought that the dog bite was supposed to be a callback to episode 5 with Lee losing the functions of his arm, not episode 1 with Lee's broken leg.
That was intentional. Like at the end of S1Ep5, with Lee being(possibly) handcuffed again, Lee giving Clem a weapon to bash a walker's head with(reverse of what happened in S1Ep1), a walker in a police uniform...
It was intentional that S2ep1 was had a lot of things similar to S1Ep1. Kind of a callback, and it was really neat, but I don't want them to do the same thing for every Episode.. then it would just get stale.
Also, you missed one- Carlos is a lot like Carley, but in man form. I don't just mean the name, I mean the similarity between the batteries confusion and the bite confusion.
Carver being a cannibal would be nice.