Did You Save _______?
Ok so I was looking at the my choices options and one of them was Did you SAVE Christa. Not, did you distract the survivors, but instead it was did you save Christa. So this means Christa could still be alive, but only based on your decision!
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I tried to save her. Anyone normal would try that.
Same here except I didn't save her on my asshole Clem playthrough
Hehe, I have a playthrough like that too
What about the ending? Who did you save?
I know I feel bad at some parts like leaving the dog behind and watching it suffer but its well worth it to see everyone pissed off at you, its hilarious!
Defenitly pete the old man was bit and worried about our safety
My very first playthrough I was thinking ok Pete is bit and we can always just hack it off and he can be a second Hershel but Nick has ammo so that means Nick can defend himself so who I need to help is Pete ( I had a feeling that no matter what Nick was going to live, kinda like Duck and Shawn how Duck always survives) but to be completely honest i changed my mind at the last second and decided to go with Nick but got confused where Pete and Nick were so I ended up saving Pete but now that I look back at it, it was the better choice imo
I'm a little 10-11 years girl, how can I save her from gang of adult armored mans? So, I just run away. The main thing for me, it's Clem safety.
Yeah i understand where you're coming from but i was thinking maybe if i distracted them Christa would have enough time to steal one of their guns from one of the guys and shoot them all up! But then i remembered i was playing TWD not GTA V but by that time it was too late and i already picked distract
I distracted the thugs. haven't got a clue why anyone would choose the opposite unless they REALLY hate Christa or on their asshole Clementine playthrough. Im worried that TTG will throw a curveball and the decisions we made in the episode, even though you'd think they were the right decisions, will come back and bite us in the ass.
Wait a sec so what you'r saying that you run away and let Christa die? what about the safety of your guardian if you are able to assassin creed them. But she just threw a rock .To focus at Clem.Dam i am bad at this
Yeah like taking the food from the station wagon choice in season 1 we all thought it was the right thing to do to take it but episode 5 proved us wrong
Even if you decide to "sneak away" Christa will still yell "Clementine,run!".So yeah....not like it matters.
No im saying i didnt think it through properly it was a reflex to help christa
I hope it's not one those choices that will bite you in the ass
Well. I run away from bandits (leave Christa) because, as like I said earlier, I play as little 10-11 years girl, how can I save her from gang of adult armored mans, and main priority for me, it's Clem safety.
I didn't finnished the dog. (I don't see the point in this)
I gave a water to dying bandit ( but, I also don't see the point in this) It was obviously that he will die right now, besides the killed Christa. But anyway I gave him a watter.
I accepted Nick's apology (Why not?)
I didn't save Pete (He was bitten so... sorry, but it's better one death than two )
And I don't think that I played the role of a "villain" My Clem wasn't evil. She was smart. Let me expain: choises in S1, was between good things, and bad things. Choises in S2 is between dumb actions, and common sense.
I distracted the bandits by throwing the rock at the bandit's/scavenger head to save Christa..... i was scared at first because i didn't want Clementine to be in danger but she manages to escape by kicking his arm and biting his finger.
I guess like how they said your choices don't change the world they change Clem you'r making your own Clem.
1.you were smart thinking about Clem's safety
2.you were merciless to the dog you let it suffer
3.you were generous granting the bandit's death wish
4.you had some humanity accepting nick's apology