Anyone else hoping that...?
I'm hoping that there are several endings this time around. For once, I'd like there to be incorrect choices and I think that's what TT is going now, by showing you the different aspects to her character that your choices effected at the end of the episode. For example, based on your choices, they ultimately effect what kind of person Clem becomes at the end of the series and whether or no she lives or die. I know most gamers just play their character as being nice to EVERYONE regardless of the circumstances so that everyone likes the M.C. but I prefer to play my game and make my choices based on what I honestly think I would do in that situation to survive. My clem (and my Lee,) were/are good people, but could be cruel or an asshole if need be. I hope TT shows that, in this world, always being kind is NOT the way to survive and that, for example, if we choose to always be kind, Clem may grow into someone weak and get killed in the end whereas if we balance, she may have the balls to do what's necessary and live. Depending on your character traits at the end, it may all come down to if she lives or dies.
This is what I'm hoping for...anyone else think that TT may do this with the choices?
hopefully,this is the reason why telltale made the first episode relatively short