Serious Question: Why was Lily so addicted to drugs???
We learned tht Lilly got upset when she found out some of the supplies were missing. She mentioned Opium, oxicotton, Morphine was the good stuff. Was she addicted to Heroine before the Apocalypse?
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well,that explain her cranky attitude,I don't really like the hot headed type like lilly,kenny,or danny from 400 days anyway
Well she did get all "bad cop mode" when Lee found the drugs that Ben hid...she was just paranoid, I mean why get all crazy for losing few of their meds?
That, combine with the kinds of drugs she mentioned...yeah, she was self-medicating. For depression most likely. This also raises another point: if Lilly was keeping a secret stash of drugs from the group then this means that Ben didn't actually steal from the group. He stole from Lilly. That's why she was so pissed off. He fucked with her stuff.
She meant that she kept her own track of their inventory, not that she had her own stash of drugs.
Someone was falsifying the books.
Ah. I see. That makes sense. Alright, guess she wasn't drug-crazed after all. Just crazed.
Medication is the difference between life and death in the apocalypse. She said something like; ' imagine if Clem got sick and we didn't have the meds to get her better ' to Lee. Clem would die without the medication, they can't afford to lose any.
Such foreshadowing...
I always thought she just meant "good stuff" as in, the most useful medication they've got. However, some of the stuff in this thread is pretty convincing. Maybe Lily did have some sort of drug problem.
There's little to no evidence that Lilly was addicted to drugs of any kind, especially when compared to Bonnie who was confirmed to have been using drugs at a long period of time (though I don't remember if it was before the apocalypse or during it).
Perhaps she knows about medicine due to her military background, which is why she got upset when the more important medicine started going missing.
This, all the medication listed are pain relievers. I'm sure they have other supplies but these were made note of because they're what the bandits were taking, meaning the bandits were most likely drug users and not Lilly.
I'm pretty sure she did them pre-apocalypse, and when things hit the fan, she did even more of them, because nothing mattered anymore. There was no laws, there was no reason to live, until Leland and Dee.
I'd have to examine the dialogue again, but I remember the implication being something more like they found her when she was going through withdrawal and helped her through it. Unless she had a giant supply, it's not like she'd have access to drugs anymore, so she was forced to go cold turkey.
I always really liked Bonnie's story for the cold turkey aspect and hope we get to see more of her. She survived drug withdrawal, shes a tough s.o.b.
Until Dee grabbed a bag filled with medicine.
Always wondered if she was planning to use it to get rid of Bonnie.
It could lead to an interesting moral choice, too. Say Clem and the others end up being held prisoner in Tavia's community, as some people have theorized might happen, and Bonnie is watching them. You'd get a chance to bond with her and learn that she's not a bad person; maybe she's only going along with the group and is trying to make things as comfortable as possible for them. Somehow Clem would have come into possession of drugs, and you could have the choice to bribe Bonnie with them in order to escape, knowing what it could do to her, or get rid of them even though they might be your only way out.
Man, that'd be really cool. The chance to pretty much destroy bonnie again for your own (and your group's) sake. I'd even just like an easy old Bonnie + Clem pairing. Bonnie seems really caring and would probably go all mama bear on Clem.
I don't think Lilly was addicted to anything. She was just keeping her own count because she was paranoid, and felt that she couldn't trust anyone else. If she had started taking a little something on the side after Larry's death to help her cope, I wouldn't be surprised, but that's about as much as I'm willing to believe.