Season 2 Ordering Strategy

edited July 2008 in Sam & Max
Before I try putting in my order, I want to make sure I get all the logistics correct....

I would like to order Season 2, with the DVD that is scheduled to come out in August, and some of the associated goodies that are scheduled to come out in September.

Can I put it all in one single order, and still have the DVD shipped in August, even though some of the other parts won't ship until September? Or, would that delay the DVD until all shippable items are ready to ship? In that case, I'd rather put the September items in a separate order from the DVD, because I'd really like the DVD as soon as it's available. On the other hand, if you ship things as they become available anyway, there's no point to putting in multiple orders.

One more question: I'd be using a credit card, and if you charge things as they ship, there shouldn't be a problem if the September items actually ship in September. However, if they get delayed much beyond that, it might go past my card's expiration date. What would happen in that scenario?


  • edited July 2008
    If any single item in your order comes out after any of the others, your order will be held back. So if you ordered a bunch of stuff that is already out and a case file, you wouldn't see your stuff until September.
  • edited July 2008
    True. That said, we do reserve inventory for you for things that are in stock, so if something were to go out of stock again, you'd still have one waiting for you.
  • edited July 2008
    WarpSpeed wrote: »
    One more question: I'd be using a credit card, and if you charge things as they ship, there shouldn't be a problem if the September items actually ship in September. However, if they get delayed much beyond that, it might go past my card's expiration date. What would happen in that scenario?

    this is a good question indeed. furthermore, i noticed that the order confirmation said something about my credit card being charged the moment i ordered. if i remember correctly, the last time the money was debited once the package was ready to ship. does anybody know, if there was a change or if i still have to pay in september, when the casefile is done.
    don't worry, i have the money, but i'd like to know, if my season two order used up my budget for this month or if i can keep spending..
  • edited July 2008
    If you get a new card number you can just email support and they (well, probably Emily) will cancel your order so you can do it again with the new card
  • edited July 2008
    OK, in the name of research, I totally selflessly placed two orders, one for the August merchandise, and one for the September merchandise, so that I won't have to wait 'til September for the DVD. It took a few days, but the charges have finally posted on my credit card. Both orders were charged in full, so I won't have to worry about the card expiring. And Wisp should wait 'til next month before buying more stuff!
  • edited July 2008's to late for that now...:D

    ..fortunately, i received a small bonus for some project last month. so, i was able to spend it on season 2 stuff and clothing. finally...some shoes.
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