Don't be pissed if it ends up being Glenn
Don't get pissed if the person clementine thought was dead ends up being Glenn. I know there are a bunch of Lilly Kenny supporters out there.
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Don't get pissed if the person clementine thought was dead ends up being Glenn. I know there are a bunch of Lilly Kenny supporters out there.
he's dead or with rick in dc
Don't be pissed if this thing that is never going to happen happens. You never know if Kirkman is on drugs or not.
Uh...Glenn is dead. when he went into atlanta he found rick and followed him. he was a recurring charatar until issue 100 where negan bashed his brains in. he is dead. unless the walking dead game is non canon with the comics. PS if you dont like kenny you wont like this
Glenn is a comic guy along with Hershel. Even if they arn't canon anymore brining them back would confuse everyone
Also why the heck would Clementine think he is dead! I wouldnt even care about him at this point!
it's cannon.So are the series.
Who cares about Glenn? It´s either Kenny, Lilly, the Bandit who attacked Christa or a character we havent met yet and will meet at Episode 2.
fuck you for spoiling me. I'm only on issue 7.
Kirkman doesn't have much influence in the game.
I hope it is Kenny, I miss Kenny ):
He doesn't!!why?
Lots for him to do already. Comics and show eps and family time I suppose. Isn't he writing something new too?
Well he said that he continue writing until he dies,but at least make all of them:comic/series and Video game linked with each others
oh and everyone dies
I almost wanted Comics Rick to meet Lee. I mean I didn't want it because the canon would be messed up and it'd be too forced but I mean I'd love to see how they'd react to each other. Both protagonists protecting their kids
Clem reads the comics, that's why she thought he was dead. i guess
hahaha thats hilarious
Damn man.....SPOILERS!
Granted that's something I already knew but do you have any idea how badly you ruined a potential surprise twist?
Comics have been out for like 10 years in fairness..........
so? I just got into The Walking Dead.
Spoiler tags exist for a reason
Any media thats been around for a year is fair game to be spoiled in my opinion, I had Sons of anarchy and Mass Effect 3 spoiled for me on these forums
LOL yeah, I'm sure he wouldn't mind.
then you're kind of a jerk
Hey I didn't spoil it for you don't blame me. Just saying I had things spoiled for me on this before which wasn't nice but I just accepted its a risk that comes with forums
Yes. *And people also shouldn't be pissed if it turns out to be Richard Nixon!
Why would it be Glenn?
I don't recall Glenn and Clem having much of a connection
She is mad because Glenn took her other walkie talkie.
Well, there has to be some kind of statute of limitations on spoilers. If the work has been around for awhile, then people really shouldn't have to do spoiler tags. For instance, I had Wesley Wyndam-Pryce's death (RIP) spoiled for me on these very forums about a week before I started watching Angel. Doyle's too. I don't feel that I need to put THESE in spoiler tags because those happened years ago. I'll do it this one time, just to keep this from getting out of hand.
Thank goodness, otherwise Clem would have been gang-raped by Christa's attackers....and that's BEFORE Sam would chew her entire face off, and THAT'S before the new group would toss Clem into the septic tank instead of the shed.
I hate Glenn
Hate him in the comics, hate him in the show and I even hated him for the short time he was in the game.
I highly doubt he will show up but if he does...ugh NO!
Yeah Doyle's death was really sad,I'm aware of wesley's death but in terms of angel I'm only beginning season 2, seen all of buffy countless times though. Remember them in better times Rock

this would mean clem thinking he is dead?
I'll try. Wesley was my FAVORITE from the show. Seeing his death was worse than any other TV character I've seen die.
Reasoning? Not trying to bash or anything, I'm just curious. He seems to be a very well liked character.
I find him very uninteresting and whiney. I think comic Glenn is a bit better but the show Glenn is just awful. The show tries to remind us how much Maggie and Glenn love each other every episode and I just don't see it. Just a weak character. He was cool in the beginning but now hes such a baby. Carol has become cooler than him. That's just my opinion though so I totally get why people like him.
Agreed comic Glenn eventually becomes scared all the time however they made him like this by season 2 of the show. Hes one of my favourite in the comics but least favourite in the show.
I would be cool, if it ends up being Molly. She knew had to take care of herself. You remember when she encounter Lee, she was doing some ninja style moves.