why do people think that episode 2 is coming in the next 2-3 months when its obviously 6 weeks

edited December 2013 in The Walking Dead

in the site walking dead season 2 faq sates new episode will be coming every 4-6 weeks

but season 1 and wolf among us however never stated that game is coming in 4-6 weeks like season 2

in season 1 they didnt say anything on when the a new episode will be realeased, same with wolf among us

see for your self

but in the walking dead season 2 faq states

How many episodes are there in a season, and when are they made available?
There are five episodes in each season. Episodes are usually available to download between 4 and 6 weeks apart.

see!!! so now do you think episode 2 is coming in the next 2-3 months?

it says in there website faq the game is coming 4-6 weeks but wolf among us and season 1 faq never said anything about when a new episode gonna be realeased just see for your self if you dont believe me


  • edited December 2013

    You seem to be misunderstanding. No-one's had a problem with The Walking Dead. The problem is with The Wolf Among Us, and the extreme delay with Episode 2. It's got nothing to do with TWD whatsoever.

    As for the points you make... past experience has taught people that episodes tend to be released within that 4-6 week bracket, and Telltale themselves have said that that's what they aim for with their releases.

    The key phrase there being 'aim for', since there may well be unexpected delays and such that may crop up at the last minute or whatnot, but still, it's a rough guideline that Telltale tend to have stuck to before.

    That said, there's never been a gap between episodes as big as this though (it's going to be at LEAST 3 months between TWAU's Episode 1 and Episode 2), which is why people are getting very frustrated and upset. Add to that the recent insanity of making Episode 1free on Xbox (which would have worked much better had there not been any delays and, say, Episode 3 was out by this point), and tensions are running very high.

    I'm going to close this thread before people start posting negative comments - which they would. Trust me on that.

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