Let me tell you why thats bullshit
Today i was going to the PSN store to but my season pass, knowing that i wouldnt get it for 14 dollars as i couldnt wait to pay. so as i went to pay i noticed the pice $29.99 conpaired to the normal price (season 1) of 24.99. just WHY? why? Telltale you dont have to be that greedy i mean you are charging half the price of most games but if they keep doing this il play at my freinds place and you will loose 30 dollars (when it should be 25) Is there an explanation behind this? will it be lowered soon? does anybody now where i could find an ilegal copy thats going to be up when the episodes come up?
(Normally i would pay the extra 5 but its christmas for gods sake and i just broke my budget on getting my nieces presents)
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They already had a pre-order sale; they had to put the price on max during Christmas; they can't just go around pushing sales, they need to make money. And IDK about you, but I got it for the normal price of $25 on Steam. Maybe compare the prices and see?
EDIT: Yeah, I just checked Steam: it's still $24.99, and I got the game Christmas Morning. It may vary from where you buy it from, IDK.