Kenny DLC? (If he's alive)
Yes, you all know I'm a Kenny fanboy. But, I guess this would help with all the hysteria between the Lily Fans/Kenny Haters. If he is indeed alive, at the end of the season- much like they did a 400 days DLC, wouldn't it make a lot of sense to have a one episode DLC about Kenny and how he survived and made it to where he was? I feel as if it could sell, and would help defuse a lot of the tensions between fans, as those who believed he died might feel justified with an episode dedicated to how he made it to where he is, choices can be made in the episode but it'll only effect the episode, not season 2. I just think this would be nice to tie in some loose ends and it'll clear a lot of the trouble.
As for a name: The Walking Dead: After Savannah
But, yeah- I'd just like to see your opinions on this, and this would be if he survives so tie loose ends, but I want to know if you agree with it.
Really I'd rather have it about a character that never shows up again rather than a someone who does appear. Otherwise you know that character will be fine and that nothing you do will matter as they have to end up in that situation. As long as they explain how Kenny escaped then I'm fine with it. Also Kenny is his own character starting to play as him would be weird especially since he is a character that has very strong values.. For example choosing to save a random person or hating on Duck etc would be really out of character.
I think there would be an uproar in the community for all non Kenny fans. They would be asking for other spin offs of playing as Lilly or Doug, Ben, Maybell, Larry. Pretty much every Walking dead character. I also think that the human mind could not hold such an awesome DLC.
IF Kenny somehow managed to survive, he must had help from someone, or find a group to get this far (it's roughly 2 years, right?). Anyway, so let's assume Kenny DLC is real, I would rather play one of that characters Kenny met after escaping Savannah, not Kenny himself. Like Firewallcano said, Kenny is a character with strong values and personality, what happened in the past might have changed him, I would like to observe that through someone else's eyes. It would be far more interesting for me.
People on this forum are a little obsessed with Maybelle at the moment. Just like me! Come on guys, let's go make ten different threads discussing Maybelle, every day!
I'd actually paid for Maybelle DLC.
If they'd manage to give it interesting scenario, witty dialogue, a few storyline branches and to explore Maybelle character & her anxiety about the happenings on diary a bit, of course 8)
If Kenny gets his own DLC, then everyone else would have to have their own DLC. That'd be too much for Telltale, and some people we would hate to play as, like Alvin. Can you imagine being married to Rebecca?
I think that last sentence made my case. Good day.
On that matter, I have to confess I consider Maybelle ideal „I thought you were dead!” character. I am of opinion Telltale could do well to milk this possibility to its fullest.
And what about the people who just don't like Kenny? Would they be forced to play as a character they dislike?
Telltale shouldn't make a dlc solely around one controversial character, especially as the player character.
I'm a Kenny fan too but I wouldn't buy it. I don't want to be Kenny I want to see Kenny and talk to him but not play as him. I wouldn't buy it, sorry.
I don't mind playing as Kenny, I think it is a very cool concept. It can be much like the governor episodes during the show last month where it explored how he got to be where he is. For people who are saying they wouldn't buy it etc - don't lie to yourself.
Now that's what I call a "Cash cow" eh, eh
A Lily DLC would also be interesting
fuck one person DLC. i rater have one about Lee's axe
There isn't tension between Kenny fans and Lily fans, in a months time we will know who it is, maybe TT throws a curveball and its neither or Kenny comes back at a surprise like Clem is sneaking around and somebody puts his hand over her mouth from behind and she's scared and turns to see its Kenny which nobody would expect.
They could watch a let's play or walkthrough if they didn't wanto play it. DLC isn't forced yet. YET :P I'd say we could play as a character Kenny encounters during his escape if any. Then again I doubt playing as Kenny for say a short scene in one episode of S2 would hurt before we play le Clem again
To the naysayers. We don't knowwhen Vernon's group split. We could enact some vengeance on Vernon. Could be Kenny uses the boat after all
Maybe he DID kill vernon and that what caused cancer survivors to seperate maybe?
This could make the DLC a must buy to most people
I don't hate Vernon though I know many do. It'd sell lots
Only if the DLC is called "THE MUSTACHE RIDES"
Yeah its very cool but telltale have to work very hard because kenny was died in two ways 1-for ben 2-christa its very hard but its possible if telltale games skip this part that how he survive after ben and christa.. If they go to show how he left savannah its also very good
I hated Lilly. Carlie and Clem all the way.
Good point
But Telltale want to make money, and the people who didn't like Kenny (a sizable number) would not buy it.
Also, Kenny is a predetermined character, so picking dialogue options would be weird.
Especially since her fate is more open ended than Kenny's, and we're meeting Kenny in the next episode not her so her story doesn't need to collide with Clem's that way.
I think it'd be weird in say a Season. DLC only though it could make sense. DLC about what Kenny, Lilly and Molly all did after S1 could be good though. Sort of like 400 Days only with three characters they could make each story longer. I'd add S2 characters though we've only just met them. I think these three could be good if done right
Well, I do like that idea. Something for everyone.
I'd rather any DLC we get be one that plays into whatever the current story is really. I know people love Kenny, but it's confirmed that we're going to be hearing more about him this season in one way or another already.
The world of the game should go forward and keep going forward. 400 days fit this nicely. The stories shown happened at varying times, but in the end it's all going to tie in the main story in some form. Something that's JUST a prequel would be a waste.
The epilogue could be (This could seem trivial and unnecessary) Clem travelling and meeting Omid and Christa after S1 too. I know we don't need to see it but it could be very emotional. Or instead of playing as these three characters we play as people they meet