Danny St John is alive

Maybe in the beginning of season 2 in the intro when it says you spare Danny is not a glitch but just Telltale being annoying and making our decisions not matter maybe Danny is the "I thought you were dead" guy


  • it's a glitch.

    for some people they killed him and he's alive, for some people they spared him and he's dead

    either way he's dead because the walkers probably overtook the farm. I spared both the brothers and I'm pretty sure I saw the mother going for Andy.

  • i killed him and it showed lee sparing him, probably a glitch. wouldn't mind driving another pitchfork through him though

  • edited December 2013

    NO just NO.
    He stayed dead in my one :P

  • Mine too

    Crixus posted: »

    NO just NO. He stayed dead in my one :P

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