Threatening Rebecca will have consequences.

I think threatening Rebecca will have some consequences, I mean you expect just to threaten her and have no worries at all?
I think she might try to turn the group against her and with Carlos who wants Clem to stay away from her daughter will listen to Rebecca and things will get worse.


  • Consequences for her, when she's not nice to me.

  • in both my playthroughs I went for the two harmless options because if you did threaten her, she would always be willing to prevent you from revealing her secret. I know she won't try to kill Clem but she could make life harder e.g. She might make them give her a melee weapon instead of a gun. Rebecca doesn't seem like the sort of person to let it slide and I'm just staying out of her way for now,, even if she is a douche

  • I'm pretty sure it will, and since the majority of people(including me) threaten her will add some fuel to the fire and we could easy be looking at Lee/Larry situation. One thing that caught my eye was the episode 3 cover,which clearly show Clem and Rebecca locked alone in a room. Now granted, it may not hold much relevance when the actual episode comes out, but i'm pretty sure that Clem will end up helping Rebecca to give birth. That may be the moment when your decisions come into play.

  • Don't care. She had it coming.

  • Meh she seems like she wants Clem gone anyway, sick of her so blackmailing her seemed appropriate.

  • Im trying to give Rebecca the benefit of the doubt and say she's not a bad person, the stress of her situation is just getting to her. She's being really irrational and I think its because she's scared. I would be terrified if I was about to give birth under those circumstances. I think she will calm down and start giving Clementine a chance.

  • I feigned ignorance about the situation she was in. Better Clem acts like she doesn't know what's going on. I wonder who might be the other kids dad. If It's Luke. I can seriously see some fan girls flipping out over that.

  • This is one of the reasons why I didn't bother to give her a response when she was at the kitchen with Clementine, in case she tries to twist it and use it against me out of spite.

    Clementine was having a bad time already throughout Episode 1, and the last thing she needs is someone constantly aggravating her throughout the entire season, so ignoring Rebecca felt more satisfying to me than blackmailing her. In my mindset, she's not worth talking to, not until her attitude improves.

  • I asked Rebecca who's baby it was and then I said that I won't tell and then she said that Clementine was a problem from the very beginning and she will remember it

  • I already threatened her even though I said "I won't tell" but I got chills of awesomeness! It was a good moment and I don't regret it

  • Nah, Rebecca can't do anything because Clementine will reveal the truth.

  • I would understand why rebecca is like that but I wouldn't do say anything mean to a girl like clementine. I know trust is really hard to come by but karma is a bitch (i don't know if karma would get to you in a world like this) but she needs to not clearly, you just can't kill people to solve problem.

  • I'm confused by this conversation with Rebecca about the baby because as far as I remember there was a choice to say "I won't tell", however on multiple let's play I haven't seen this option appear and there only being two responses and one response of silence. Has anyone else noticed this or am I mentally unstable?

  • I did loved what Clem said. "You should be alot nicer to me, that's just my advice"

    hopefully we get to drop her like we did ben

  • a lot is two words

    I did loved what Clem said. "You should be alot nicer to me, that's just my advice" hopefully we get to drop her like we did ben

  •'s a common mistake.. I wasn't insulting you for it. I just know that a lot of people think it's one word, and it really isn't, so I just like to remind people of that.

    plus, Alots scare me.

    Alt text

    oh excuse me, I made a simple typo

  • edited January 2014

    oh excuse me, I made a simple typo

    Jexx21 posted: »

    a lot is two words

  • :O, Don't compare Rebbeca to Ben!, Ben was a nice guy who was well intentioned but caused problems, Rebecca is just plain mean

    I did loved what Clem said. "You should be alot nicer to me, that's just my advice" hopefully we get to drop her like we did ben

  • In my main/first playthrough which I never rewind, I played innocent and was relatively nice. But I think in my "best possible choices" playthrough, I'm gonna be mean because seriously? The only thing that will make me not hate her is if she was raped and that's why she is pregnant with a baby other than Alvin's.

  • That would be a plausible reason why Rebecca is the way she is and why she's frantic about the idea that her child may not be her husband's.

    MsLox posted: »

    In my main/first playthrough which I never rewind, I played innocent and was relatively nice. But I think in my "best possible choices" playth

  • edited January 2014

    Given her condition and knowing how that can impact a personality in the best circumstances, silence was a very valid option.

  • Hopefully so. One of the few here who actually didn't call out Rebecca.

  • You and me both, that'll teach em for not keeping their cool

    Zeruis posted: »

    Hopefully so. One of the few here who actually didn't call out Rebecca.

  • I don't care, bitch is in need of a slap!

  • My opinion.

    Revealing that you know Rebecca's secret to her will definitely have consequences. "She will definitely remember that." The only problem is, what is she going to do? She has two choices:

    1. Act with the groups permission

    2. Take matters into her own hands.

    If she try's to get Clementine sent away, the group will probably disagree. She said it herself, for all they know Clem is working with Carver. We don't know much about him, but the group is scared of him, presumably for good reason. There's a saying, "keep your friends close, and your enemies closer". The last thing anyone in the group would want is for Clem to run off and tell Carver were they are. Even if you act like a bitch, they will want to keep an eye on you.

    If she tries to take matters in her own hands, it's not going to end well. Alvin would be reluctant to help her, and if worst came to worse, she could spill the beans to Alvin before anything happens. She's not going to be able to successfully poison Clem, because its safe to assume she's gonna make it at least until episode 5.

    Basically, the only consequence might be her either being more of a bitch to Clem, or trying to make sure Clem doesn't spill the beans about who the dad is.

  • This.

    zyoxo posted: »

    Consequences for her, when she's not nice to me.

  • It determines if you hide or not in the bathroom. If you hide in the shower or the closet in the bathroom, then Rebecca will come in and be like "Please let the baby be his". However, if you choose not to hide(which is letting the time run out), Sarah will tell Rebecca that the towels are in the kitchen I think.

    ruairi46 posted: »

    I'm confused by this conversation with Rebecca about the baby because as far as I remember there was a choice to say "I won't tell", however o

  • I didn't choose the baby option either. I don't think that it's a good idea to threaten/blackmail any of them. Same goes for stealing the watch.

    Sure you can always try to play the survival card to justify some dickish actions, but I'm not sure if that will pay off in the long run. One big rule in TWD is that you need a group in order to survive. So I'd rather have these people to like and trust my Clem, even if that requires me to overcome my ego sometimes.

  • I agree! I liked Ben but he was responsible for most character's deaths but he was also hilarious

    :O, Don't compare Rebbeca to Ben!, Ben was a nice guy who was well intentioned but caused problems, Rebecca is just plain mean

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