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Could be a save the baby or save Rebecca scenario.
I hope they have some salt licks in the room, just in case.
Rebbecca faints on the ground clementine is shocked at whats happened and tryes to reveive her. then a big truck rams into the cell. its kenny with 30 bags of salt licks...
I hope so
I suppose they might have been captured somehow. That room they're in reminds me of Saw 1. Or maybe they're just hiding, hence the name "in harm's way." I dunno, I'm not much of a speculator.
Although, she might have a miscarriage/stillbirth. Her pained expression doesn't neccessarily mean she giving birth, there could just be complications. I'd be surprised if any of us cared due to the fact she's such a bitch. But, with the fact Telltale makes us care about these characters, I believe there will be a lot less tension between Clem and Rebecca in Ep. 2/3
saltlicks and kenny's return with it would be too epic
I think kenny come in episode 2 a house divided
Hehe, I'm not a big Kenny fan, but that scene would certainly be worth his return.
Clem kills it. "I told you to be nice to me."
Well that's fucking dark!
She's pregnant in a zombie apocalypsewith people from their old group out there. I don't even blame her. It'd be messed up
What's change save file mean? is it like a warning to tell you to do it or is it asking? lol
I think the group gets captured by carvers group and It looks like there waiting for they're turn for death but clementine will get out somehow!
I'm guessing they get captured at the end of episode 2.
If you have multiple save files you can change to the on you want to play on
I dont think so because carver was go to home and said them to leave and then they leave
I also
that would be awsome im not a real kenny fn but THAT would just be awsome
I also think the Kenny option is the best one.
Kenny:"Okay Clem, you remember what me and Lee did in that meat locker?"
Clem:"Yeah but this time it will be easier"
Kenny:"Why is that?"
Clem:"Lily isn't around to complicate things"
On a serious note, i think Rebecca will indeed, give birth this episode and depending on how you treated her during the course of ep 1-3 will have a big impact.
Nice joke dude
If Rebecca does give birth with only Clementine around to help it could lead to one of the strangest quick time events ever made.
Hell to the yeah.
Idk but he said something that made the whole group scared, they fear him.
Carver, in the episode 2 preview carver comes to the cabin and only talked to clementine and when they were having meeting at the table and clementine told them carver came to the cabin and they know something about carver and it's probably that they know he's the bandit leader and a dangerous man.
it almost looks like they are in the prison from the show. the shadows look like bars, but they could people so who knows.
Why the group go out of house because carver said them to leave
So they would just leave because 1 guy told them to? I don't think so he's obvisoly a dangerous man, maybe he burns down the cabin idk.
Intriguing...but highly disturbing.
What disturbs you??
Yes no one knows
They feel so GLORIOUS!! upon my SWEET ASS!
I've got a question: In the Walking Dead universe, if a baby is born stillborn or dies in the womb, will it become a zombie? I'm assuming yes, and if that happens that will be one of the weirdest and freakiest things that TellTale could do.
Oh absolutely, and it would be freaky. That would be taking Alien one step closer to home...and I'm waiting for them to finally do it. Who knows, Kirkman might have already done it in the comic.
IMO, when I look at this, I'm thinking that this is when Rebecca goes into labor and Clementine will try to make amends with her while helping her give birth to her baby while locked away Carver's men. (I also think they'll be like Woodbury people. Not cannibles, but just as dangerous.) I really hope that Alvin will be there with them when that happens. Not because he wouldn't want to miss it, but because I highly doubt that Clementine would know the first thing about how to do this kind of thing.
Its not gonna happen he dont burns the house if it happen it will be very good
Dunno, we never found out what happened to Chirsta's kid, do we? Clementine might have some idea.
I have a prediction that in episode 3, clementine has a flashback to when Christa was giving birth and we'll get some answers to what happened
The virus is airborne, so it may not reanimate until it makes contact with air.