twd season 2 "você não possui o jogo" como resolver

edited January 2014 in Site Support

quando eu abro o game e faço o login fica aparecendo você não possui o jogo sendo que possuo e já o joguei outras veses, coo fasso para resolver isto


  • TelltaleMikeTelltaleMike Former Telltale Staff

    This may indicate an issue with your log in information in your registry. To correct this, please open a command window (Below are instructions on how to open a command window).

    Windows XP: Go to your start menu and click on run. Type in "cmd" and press enter
    Windows Vista / 7: Press the Windows key. Type in "cmd" and press enter
    Windows 8: At the start screen, type in "cmd" and press enter

    Then copy the command line below and paste it into the command window, press enter, and confirm the question (to confirm the question, type “y” and press enter):

    REG DELETE "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Telltale Games\Launcher”
    (Please make sure when you copy the above text that you do not copy a space before or after the text, as that will produce an error message)

    If this doesn't seem to fix the issue that you are running into, can you please send me a Private Discussion with your email associated with your account, and the Order ID number that you received at the time of purcahse? (To send a Private Discussion, click on a username, and then click on Private Discussion on the left hand side of the page.)

This discussion has been closed.