Season 1 Episode 2: Glitch or Poor Design?

So lately I've been having a lot of trouble completing Episode 2 because of a glitch lot of people are having. When you go to confront Brenda in the house, I cannot stop moving after she says "Stay there, I mean it!" she shoots me and I have no ability to stop. When I first rented the game on the Xbox, I had no trouble. When I bought the Xbox and PC versions, I could not complete the episode. I really don't wanna have to skip it so if anyone has any info on how to get around this, I'd really appreciate it!


  • Are you sure it wasn't controller/Keyboard? I had no trouble.

  • edited January 2014

    I find it pretty unlikely that both my controller or keyboard were causing it. And loads of other people have posted suggestions on forums, such as just tapping the W key every second or two, or only moving when Brenda glances at the hostage. Nothing works for me. On the Xbox, I was forced to skip the rest of the Episode and hope that it made the choices I was hoping for.
    EDIT: Ok tried it twice now and both times I managed to talk to her once by just inching forward and keeping the crosshairs pointed above Brneda's head. Then I died both times.
    EDIT AGAIN: Ok I managed to get past that bit. Don't know why they thought it would be a good idea to design it that way, but anyway, that's probably the worst of the design problems.

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