Christmas Future

edited July 2008 in Sam & Max
In Ice Station Santa, when Sam & Max save their future selves it isn't Christmas, it is April, since that happens in What's New, Beelzebub, which came out in April. So how are they saving Christmas?


  • edited July 2008
    Without stopping the Poppers, there wouldn't be any more Christmases?

    I don't know. Anyway, the past and present weren't Christmas, either...(The present is November.)
  • ACTUALLY, They were saving their own Christmas from going bad. After all, Christmas in the pit of Hell isn't much fun, is it? SO they saved: *duh duh* Themselves! *yay*
  • edited July 2008
    I always thought the spirits told them to do all these things just because they thought it funny to be able to control a dog and a lagomorph!
  • edited July 2008
    It's obviously "Christmastime" in the first episode of the season. "Christmastime" being defined somewhat loosely could easily encompass parts of November.

    And we can easily say that more in-universe time passes in-between episodes, or at least in-between 204 and 205.

    Or maybe you can just shut up and enjoy your foreshadowing. You know, there are Children in China who would accept it, and they'd be HAPPY to. Ungrateful kids these days...
  • edited July 2008
    Sinker182 wrote: »
    In Ice Station Santa, when Sam & Max save their future selves it isn't Christmas, it is April, since that happens in What's New, Beelzebub, which came out in April. So how are they saving Christmas?

    what's even more confusing, is the fact, that this happens at the same time as sam & max being in their office in know, the scene
    with superball, where sam throws himself the remote control
    . this however takes place in september...according to the timecard.:rolleyes:
  • edited July 2008
    I always love discussions of the logic of time travel... since time travel itself...

    But it would be fun to hear a TTG comment on this subject.
  • EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
    edited July 2008
    It's true that 205 came out in April, but...
    In 204 (and also 102), the Soda Poppers' birthday is established to be 12/21.

    In the 205, we learn that it's the Soda Poppers' birthday.

    When Sam & Max fall into the pit, it's December 21, which means it's right before Christmas.

    As for how it can be a different month in Hell and on the surface...
    We already know time moves much more slowly in Hell, just look at the clock that never changes!

    wisp wrote: »
    what's even more confusing, is the fact, that this happens at the same time as sam & max being in their office in know, the scene
    with superball, where sam throws himself the remote control
    . this however takes place in september...according to the timecard.:rolleyes:

    Err... yeah, there's that too. You ruined my theory. :p
  • ahh... it makes more sense now. I see... thanks Emily!

    Though, I wish that you could put both
    The Soda Popper's AND Shambling Corporate Presence in the Pit of Hell in 205... SCP would eat them... XD *laughs evilly*
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