Favorite Episode

edited January 2014 in The Walking Dead

What do you guys have as your favorite episode of The Walking Dead? Mine would probably be a tie between Episode 3 and Episode 5. My least favorite is for sure Episode 4, it was just so boring and seemed to drag on forever, and to make it worse in Episode 5 the boat is stolen, making everything we did in 4 pointless..


  • Episode 2 Starved for Help is my favourite and Episode 4 is definitely my least favourite

  • Except for episode 1, every episode is my favorite. They all have a different "theme" or "feel" to it, it's hard to explain. I just find episode 1 to be slightly boring at times, especially during dialogues. I tried introducing some of my friends and family to this game, but they all seem to get bored. Two of them were close to falling asleep... -_-

  • Episode 3 is probably my favourite, (even though its depressing as hell)

    Episode 1 is probably my least favourite, particularly on replays it just seems so introductory. Plus after three months pretty much every character changes personality a lot anyway (its understandable there living in a messed up world).

  • CathalOHaraCathalOHara Moderator
    edited January 2014

    Have a feeling mine will not go down too well, primarily with how low episode 2 is. Mind you though, I love ALL of the episodes. I'm just listing them In order of preference from favourite to least-favourite, mine is:

    1. No Time Left (Season One, Episode 5)
    2. Around Every Corner (Season One, Episode 4)
    3. All That Remains (Season Two, Episode 1)
    4. Long Road Ahead (Season One, Episode 3)
    5. A New Day (Season One, Episode 1)
    6. Starved For Help (Season One, Episode 2)
    7. 400 Days (Season One, DLC)

    I actually really liked 400 Days. Not sure where I can number it though or if it should even be technically be enlisted here but hey, I'm just expressing my opinion.

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