Funny / Stupid things while playing S2 E1

Ok these were my thoughts during the first 20 minutes of season 2 episode 1

" YAY Omid and Christa are back and they are happy, lets get this party started "

5 minutes later

" **Oh.... =[ ** "

" But thats cool, coz now we have a dog? omg yes I will re - name him Lee and he shall be my best friend thru the whole game "

5 minutes later.......

" *Oh....=[ *"

Yeah THANKS telltale, I have a friend named Hope, maybe you wanna KILL HER TOO?

Then I met Luke and he is all like hey, we have a Doctor and I was all like " YES "

" Carlos can take a look at her ......"

me = " Oh...Mexican doctor =[ "

and I was right, The idiot did not even know if it was an animal bite, the hell kinda doctor cant tell an animal bite from a human?

And whats this? ANOTHER special Child? really? I thought we were past that, Telltale.

Did anyone steal the watch by the way? I did, I totally stole it, I stole the shit out of it, Lee told me....or i told clem as Lee, " Always think about what you may need later "

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