unpredictable tone of voice

edited January 2014 in The Walking Dead

i was wondering if anyone else found this.
When your choosing what to say, did you find you sometimes had a angrish tone of voice when the text chosen didn't appear like it?
if you don't understand like in epidoe 1 season 21 Clem needed the loo and you could say just go, i hadn't an idea i was going to get all shouty and all lol
Also with vernon, i said walk away and i ended i threatening him in episode 4!


  • lol mistype season 1 i meant :P not 21

  • You have to think carefully before choosing what you want to say to anyone. Granted, the choices in dialogue aren't always what they seem. I'd still choose something that sounds like I wouldn't sound like an asshole, lol. For example, like those parts you were talking about. Instead of saying "Stay away", I chose "I don't know". And the part with Vernon when he asks you if he can take Clementine, instead of saying "Walk away", I chose "I need to think about this". "Walk away" sounds pretty impolite if you ask me, but I didn't expect Lee to threaten him either.

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