They promised that it won't be as long of a wait. The last season's final two episodes only took a month and episode 4 was the longest episode at about 2 hours and forty minutes.
So we could be lucky and get it this month or get it early February. They need to get these games done by the end of the Summer anyway because they need to start production of the Borderlands and Game of Thrones games. I feel bad TWAU team, they're probably working around the clock to get the season done and make up for lost time. Delaying games can be costly and detrimental to the company so they have a economic stake in wanting to get it done.
A delay - yes. A delay due to poor priority management that stalled an episode for nigh on 4 months - NO. They're professionals, they should know their limits. Sonic and Mario were decently long and they had a challenge that made the game even longer. TWD and TWAU are interactive stories with lose/win states being the exception, rather than the rule.
I want TTG to be better organised, because they'd done a poor job of it in the 4th quarter of '13. They should've stuck with one game. Either TWD or TWAU, either way to have it done in a timely fashion, rather then spreading themselves way too thin to cover too much ground.
That still does not change the fact that TTG dun goofed and we have every right as the consumers to rip into them for it. They're professionals, they should have known better than to take on two large projects at the same time. Taking creative risks is OK, taking stupid risks is not.
You fail to realise the most important thing. This is a game, you went into this knowing that there could be a delay. Besides, if the gaming i… morendustry has proven anything, its that it doesnt take much to justify a purchese, thats like buying sonic or mario and saying "its to short so it wasnt worth it"
Gaming has a way of impacting those who expireance it unlike any other form of entertainment, time isnt an issue, your ability to wait, is.
Look at Battlefield 4, a game that many were excited to play, it wasnt delayed and it released on time. And look what happened, the MP is broke and DICE still arent finished fixing it, if they spent more time on it, the wait would have been worth it, as the game would have had a much better release.
My point is, games have a way of making 1 - 2 hours awesome and sometimes mind-blowing, If you want TTG to start releaseing it before its good and ready, i suggest you make a petition for EA to take over, then… [view original content]
I think overall I am more upset that they are keeping us in the dark over everything. Instead of releasing details over twitter/ their blog. I don't understand and I can't think of a company off the top of my head that has such poor PR or communication. You can say EA and Dice aren't great, but millions of people play their game. Its a completely different ball game. Telltale has a growing, medium sized fan based and the one thing that can differentiate them is customer service.
It's the year 2063... lying in my bed, telling my grandchildren about when Telltale released the fourth episode of TWD season 2... checking on the website every day because I want to play it before I die... one week later, updates (!!!)... Walking Dead Episode 5, coming soon... "click here for more info"... coming summer 2098
I think overall I am more upset that they are keeping us in the dark over everything. Instead of releasing details over twitter/ their blog. I… more don't understand and I can't think of a company off the top of my head that has such poor PR or communication. You can say EA and Dice aren't great, but millions of people play their game. Its a completely different ball game. Telltale has a growing, medium sized fan based and the one thing that can differentiate them is customer service.
It's the year 2063... lying in my bed, telling my grandchildren about when Telltale released the fourth episode of TWD season 2... checking on… more the website every day because I want to play it before I die... one week later, updates (!!!)... Walking Dead Episode 5, coming soon... "click here for more info"... coming summer 2098
1: Im not saying you dont have a right to be angry at them, you do, and yes they made a mistake, but lets face it, every developer makes a mistake sometime, Bungie, Bethesda, SEGA, Naughty Dog, Nintendo, 343I, and many many more. No developer is a "professional" there are simply those who make less mistakes and better games, and have more expireance.
Gaming is complicated, as there has never been, and never will be the "perfect game" its impossible, due to complications in what people like and dont like.
My point is this. Yes, you can be mad at them, but "riping into them" for one mistake is hardly reasonable, besides, we dont even know if it will be delayed, we are simply guessing.
2: Sonic and Mario were not the best examples i know, but i couldnt really think of a better one at the time :P so here is a better one. Look at Halo 3 ODST, possibly one of Bungies best campaigns, yet, it was the shortest of all the Halos, and they made it in 1 year, and yes you're right, but story-telling is something TTG has done really well with, a great story can be enjoyed, but, a great interactive story that has verious outcomes can not only be enjoyed, but even has replay value, and thats my point, in 1 - 2 hours, they can acomplish quite alot, there is no denying that.
3: Allow me to express the fact that i dont want them to delay it, but at the same time i can understand it if they do, sure they should have stuck with 1 game at a time, but i dont think they would take this risk if they didnt believe they could pull it off.
I get your points, but heres the thing. TTG created an incredible story with season 1 of TWD, and they have a chance to do it again. I do agree that, to an extent, it does matter how long it takes for them to release it, but at the same time, i want these next 4 episode to be the best that they can be, even if that means waiting a bit longer.
A delay - yes. A delay due to poor priority management that stalled an episode for nigh on 4 months - NO. They're professionals, they should k… morenow their limits. Sonic and Mario were decently long and they had a challenge that made the game even longer. TWD and TWAU are interactive stories with lose/win states being the exception, rather than the rule.
I want TTG to be better organised, because they'd done a poor job of it in the 4th quarter of '13. They should've stuck with one game. Either TWD or TWAU, either way to have it done in a timely fashion, rather then spreading themselves way too thin to cover too much ground.
That still does not change the fact that TTG dun goofed and we have every right as the consumers to rip into them for it. They're professionals, they should have known better than to take on two large projects at the same time. Taking creative risks is OK, taking stupid risks is not.
I'd rather have the game late and polished than some buggy crap you get a lot lately from big companies that push the same franchise out every year (like all those EA sports games and Battlefield games).
I'd rather have the game late and polished than some buggy crap you get a lot lately from big companies that push the same franchise out every year (like all those EA sports games and Battlefield games).
I just think you guys are assuming it is because they are fixing the game/ improving the quality. Telltale hasn't said anything. I truly believe the delay is a result of either poor time management/ understaff/ underfunding/ or some other reason. It wouldn't make sense that they are now just fine tuning the episode. I think it is safe to say all 5 episodes are "made." Now I know they can fix them for glitches or whatnot but I don't see how that should cause a delay.
If you are talking about TWAU deley then I can be sure to say that its not because they are understaffed or something. They said they have 180 people that are divided in teams and each team works on its own project. 180 people is a lot.
I just think you guys are assuming it is because they are fixing the game/ improving the quality. Telltale hasn't said anything. I truly belie… moreve the delay is a result of either poor time management/ understaff/ underfunding/ or some other reason. It wouldn't make sense that they are now just fine tuning the episode. I think it is safe to say all 5 episodes are "made." Now I know they can fix them for glitches or whatnot but I don't see how that should cause a delay.
(like all those EA sports games and Battlefield games).battlefield is a ea game and you can't compare twd with that type of game it's a multiplayer game. Battlefield is way more complex then a point and click single player game.
I'd rather have the game late and polished than some buggy crap you get a lot lately from big companies that push the same franchise out every year (like all those EA sports games and Battlefield games).
The wait time in between episodes is way too long. 2-3 weeks release between each episode would be perfect...anything longer and you start to forget a lot of small things that really add up to the big picture.
I think I'm just going to wait until Telltale releases the whole game before I go back and finish this up. It is a great game but, the long wait time between episodes is a huge immersion breaker. I played all of Season 1 in a period of like 3 days and that was some of the most fun I've ever had on my PS3.
"Anything telltale, just tell us anything at all." "Even a coming soon would suffice..."
I knew those claims were weak. I knew no one would care when telltale released the info; that you'd all still be upset. Just let it go. What's done is done.
And that is my point, a simple (but good looking) point and click game doesn't need all that much artwork and the engine is already done so the delay has nothing to do with TellTale being understaffed. I just mentioned those examples because they go by the philosophy of release it even if its broken because people will buy it anyways, Rome total war 2 is another example and those games cost like 60 euros.
(like all those EA sports games and Battlefield games).battlefield is a ea game and you can't compare twd with that type of game it's a multiplayer game. Battlefield is way more complex then a point and click single player game.
I will openly admit that if hypothetically of course telltale came out and said "Episode 2 will be out in 2 weeks" id be pretty upset that we would have to wait essentially a month and a half for the episode. None the less that is the professional thing to do. A company who wants to be taken seriously would be transparent and let people know why they are taking so long/ not holding up to promises.
"Anything telltale, just tell us anything at all." "Even a coming soon would suffice..."
I knew those claims were weak. I knew no one would care when telltale released the info; that you'd all still be upset. Just let it go. What's done is done.
1) And when a studio, AAA or not, makes a mistake the fans rightly light a fire under them. For it is the only way for studios to learn. They need neurotics like me whining and moaning to keep them from getting to comfy and well-padded by praise. And I'm not asking for the ''perfect game'', I'm asking for the mountains to not shake (3+ months) and give birth to a mouse (2 hours worth of gameplay).
It has been delayed, there's no guessing about it. 2 hours, the game is using the simpler engine (albeit tuned up a bit), it's linear with only a few changes. Two months is fine. Three I can understand. Anymore than that and it becomes unacceptable.
2)What with their limited budget, I doubt TTG will give us more than one ending to TWAU, especially since it all has to be in canon. And replay value, eh, not for me at least. Twice at most and then I'm done because there's very little I'd want to explore that would make it meaningful. Again, linearity.
3) To paraphrase iHawk from Futurama: ''They can believe it all they want, that won't make it true.''
You forget, at the time they were developing only TWD. Maybe the designers were working on Fable, but they weren't the programmers, animators, artists, writers. The people who do the grunt work. I sat through the radio silence between TWD's S1 episodes 2-3 and I was ticked off, but not pissed. With TWAU's delay, I'm mighty pissed.
3 things.
1: Im not saying you dont have a right to be angry at them, you do, and yes they made a mistake, but lets face it, every develope… morer makes a mistake sometime, Bungie, Bethesda, SEGA, Naughty Dog, Nintendo, 343I, and many many more. No developer is a "professional" there are simply those who make less mistakes and better games, and have more expireance.
Gaming is complicated, as there has never been, and never will be the "perfect game" its impossible, due to complications in what people like and dont like.
My point is this. Yes, you can be mad at them, but "riping into them" for one mistake is hardly reasonable, besides, we dont even know if it will be delayed, we are simply guessing.
2: Sonic and Mario were not the best examples i know, but i couldnt really think of a better one at the time :P so here is a better one. Look at Halo 3 ODST, possibly one of Bungies best campaigns, yet, it was the shortest of all the Halos, and the… [view original content]
I would prefer it if Telltale released all 5 episodes at once but we can only play each episode in order, that would be so much better. Either that or give customers the option to buy the full season (playable) immediately but at a higher price and instead do something like when you complete an episode, it locks you out from playing the next episode for say like a week instead? So the game can be treated like a tv show. I think waiting 4-6 weeks or longer is bad. I have to re-play the game several times or else I forget what happened in the previous episode
I would prefer it if Telltale released all 5 episodes at once but we can only play each episode in order, that would be so much better. Either… more that or give customers the option to buy the full season (playable) immediately but at a higher price and instead do something like when you complete an episode, it locks you out from playing the next episode for say like a week instead? So the game can be treated like a tv show. I think waiting 4-6 weeks or longer is bad. I have to re-play the game several times or else I forget what happened in the previous episode
I'd rather have the game late and polished than some buggy crap you get a lot lately from big companies that push the same franchise out every year (like all those EA sports games and Battlefield games).
This isn't Call of Duty. This is a "cartoon" / "anime" point and click game. I know some tech geeks in high school that could make a point and click game. I say this not to say this game isn't great/ takes a lot of work and effort to make but because there should be no reason for it it take THIS long to release and make an episode. There is clearly something with Telltale, and not the quality of the game we are waiting on. A simple "coming soon" or "expect it in two weeks" would at least show they are concerned about their public opinion. Good for them they don't care.
Its their game. They can take as long as they want. Maybe they don't care, in which case they wouldn't care about people huffing and puffing on this forum.
This isn't Call of Duty. This is a "cartoon" / "anime" point and click game. I know some tech geeks in high school that could make a point and… more click game. I say this not to say this game isn't great/ takes a lot of work and effort to make but because there should be no reason for it it take THIS long to release and make an episode. There is clearly something with Telltale, and not the quality of the game we are waiting on. A simple "coming soon" or "expect it in two weeks" would at least show they are concerned about their public opinion. Good for them they don't care.
You say that now. Maybe its just difference of opinion but in a simple point and click game, I would expect episodes within a month of each other TOPS. This is terrible that they have given no indication it is coming out even remotely soon!
I agree. I wish it could be a bi-weekly thing. Unfortunately telltale just doesn't have the money/ staff to do that. However if they said it would be 4-6 weeks and they don't abide by that with NO new info than I will be very disappointed.
I would prefer it if Telltale released all 5 episodes at once but we can only play each episode in order, that would be so much better. Either… more that or give customers the option to buy the full season (playable) immediately but at a higher price and instead do something like when you complete an episode, it locks you out from playing the next episode for say like a week instead? So the game can be treated like a tv show. I think waiting 4-6 weeks or longer is bad. I have to re-play the game several times or else I forget what happened in the previous episode
it's to long of a wait, you will have to play the previous episode again to get you back into the game spirit and refreshment. Is it true ep2 wil be out by Feb 5th i saw a comment from here.
it's to long of a wait, you will have to play the previous episode again to get you back into the game spirit and refreshment. Is it true ep2 wil be out by Feb 5th i saw a comment from here.
I really dislike this argument of quality over speed.
It is a simple point and click game.
Telltale said it would be 4-6 weeks and they still don't hold up to their end of the bargain. Very unprofessional. They have to be held accountable for their terrible communication.
The game is already done already. Now as I don't say that with any knowledge or conviction I find it hard to believe they are still creating the actual game. My best guess is that there is some very minor issue or this is another internal problem.
Im not being impatient I just want the company to have some standards.
It is an hour - two hours of game play. I know it is a GREAT game but their is no game worth a 6+ week wait for an hour of game play.
They promised that it won't be as long of a wait. The last season's final two episodes only took a month and episode 4 was the longest episode at about 2 hours and forty minutes.
So we could be lucky and get it this month or get it early February. They need to get these games done by the end of the Summer anyway because they need to start production of the Borderlands and Game of Thrones games. I feel bad TWAU team, they're probably working around the clock to get the season done and make up for lost time. Delaying games can be costly and detrimental to the company so they have a economic stake in wanting to get it done.
A delay - yes. A delay due to poor priority management that stalled an episode for nigh on 4 months - NO. They're professionals, they should know their limits. Sonic and Mario were decently long and they had a challenge that made the game even longer. TWD and TWAU are interactive stories with lose/win states being the exception, rather than the rule.
I want TTG to be better organised, because they'd done a poor job of it in the 4th quarter of '13. They should've stuck with one game. Either TWD or TWAU, either way to have it done in a timely fashion, rather then spreading themselves way too thin to cover too much ground.
That still does not change the fact that TTG dun goofed and we have every right as the consumers to rip into them for it. They're professionals, they should have known better than to take on two large projects at the same time. Taking creative risks is OK, taking stupid risks is not.
I think overall I am more upset that they are keeping us in the dark over everything. Instead of releasing details over twitter/ their blog. I don't understand and I can't think of a company off the top of my head that has such poor PR or communication. You can say EA and Dice aren't great, but millions of people play their game. Its a completely different ball game. Telltale has a growing, medium sized fan based and the one thing that can differentiate them is customer service.
dont worry its way that telltale release a game
It's the year 2063... lying in my bed, telling my grandchildren about when Telltale released the fourth episode of TWD season 2... checking on the website every day because I want to play it before I die... one week later, updates (!!!)... Walking Dead Episode 5, coming soon... "click here for more info"... coming summer 2098
Yeah, at least give us a heads up when they were quite for months before they suddenly are all like: 'Episode 2 out tomorrow. You mad, bro?'
Seems about right. Except 2098. . .? THIS CENTURY? I think maybe next one.
3 things.
1: Im not saying you dont have a right to be angry at them, you do, and yes they made a mistake, but lets face it, every developer makes a mistake sometime, Bungie, Bethesda, SEGA, Naughty Dog, Nintendo, 343I, and many many more. No developer is a "professional" there are simply those who make less mistakes and better games, and have more expireance.
Gaming is complicated, as there has never been, and never will be the "perfect game" its impossible, due to complications in what people like and dont like.
My point is this. Yes, you can be mad at them, but "riping into them" for one mistake is hardly reasonable, besides, we dont even know if it will be delayed, we are simply guessing.
2: Sonic and Mario were not the best examples i know, but i couldnt really think of a better one at the time :P so here is a better one. Look at Halo 3 ODST, possibly one of Bungies best campaigns, yet, it was the shortest of all the Halos, and they made it in 1 year, and yes you're right, but story-telling is something TTG has done really well with, a great story can be enjoyed, but, a great interactive story that has verious outcomes can not only be enjoyed, but even has replay value, and thats my point, in 1 - 2 hours, they can acomplish quite alot, there is no denying that.
3: Allow me to express the fact that i dont want them to delay it, but at the same time i can understand it if they do, sure they should have stuck with 1 game at a time, but i dont think they would take this risk if they didnt believe they could pull it off.
I get your points, but heres the thing. TTG created an incredible story with season 1 of TWD, and they have a chance to do it again. I do agree that, to an extent, it does matter how long it takes for them to release it, but at the same time, i want these next 4 episode to be the best that they can be, even if that means waiting a bit longer.
I'd rather have the game late and polished than some buggy crap you get a lot lately from big companies that push the same franchise out every year (like all those EA sports games and Battlefield games).
Thats basicly what ive been saying this entire thread. :P
I was starting to think i was the only one lol.
I just think you guys are assuming it is because they are fixing the game/ improving the quality. Telltale hasn't said anything. I truly believe the delay is a result of either poor time management/ understaff/ underfunding/ or some other reason. It wouldn't make sense that they are now just fine tuning the episode. I think it is safe to say all 5 episodes are "made." Now I know they can fix them for glitches or whatnot but I don't see how that should cause a delay.
If you are talking about TWAU deley then I can be sure to say that its not because they are understaffed or something. They said they have 180 people that are divided in teams and each team works on its own project. 180 people is a lot.
(like all those EA sports games and Battlefield games).battlefield is a ea game and you can't compare twd with that type of game it's a multiplayer game. Battlefield is way more complex then a point and click single player game.
The wait time in between episodes is way too long. 2-3 weeks release between each episode would be perfect...anything longer and you start to forget a lot of small things that really add up to the big picture.
I think I'm just going to wait until Telltale releases the whole game before I go back and finish this up. It is a great game but, the long wait time between episodes is a huge immersion breaker. I played all of Season 1 in a period of like 3 days and that was some of the most fun I've ever had on my PS3.
"Anything telltale, just tell us anything at all." "Even a coming soon would suffice..."
I knew those claims were weak. I knew no one would care when telltale released the info; that you'd all still be upset. Just let it go. What's done is done.
And that is my point, a simple (but good looking) point and click game doesn't need all that much artwork and the engine is already done so the delay has nothing to do with TellTale being understaffed. I just mentioned those examples because they go by the philosophy of release it even if its broken because people will buy it anyways, Rome total war 2 is another example and those games cost like 60 euros.
I will openly admit that if hypothetically of course telltale came out and said "Episode 2 will be out in 2 weeks" id be pretty upset that we would have to wait essentially a month and a half for the episode. None the less that is the professional thing to do. A company who wants to be taken seriously would be transparent and let people know why they are taking so long/ not holding up to promises.
1) And when a studio, AAA or not, makes a mistake the fans rightly light a fire under them. For it is the only way for studios to learn. They need neurotics like me whining and moaning to keep them from getting to comfy and well-padded by praise. And I'm not asking for the ''perfect game'', I'm asking for the mountains to not shake (3+ months) and give birth to a mouse (2 hours worth of gameplay).
It has been delayed, there's no guessing about it. 2 hours, the game is using the simpler engine (albeit tuned up a bit), it's linear with only a few changes. Two months is fine. Three I can understand. Anymore than that and it becomes unacceptable.
2)What with their limited budget, I doubt TTG will give us more than one ending to TWAU, especially since it all has to be in canon. And replay value, eh, not for me at least. Twice at most and then I'm done because there's very little I'd want to explore that would make it meaningful. Again, linearity.
3) To paraphrase iHawk from Futurama: ''They can believe it all they want, that won't make it true.''
You forget, at the time they were developing only TWD. Maybe the designers were working on Fable, but they weren't the programmers, animators, artists, writers. The people who do the grunt work. I sat through the radio silence between TWD's S1 episodes 2-3 and I was ticked off, but not pissed. With TWAU's delay, I'm mighty pissed.
I would prefer it if Telltale released all 5 episodes at once but we can only play each episode in order, that would be so much better. Either that or give customers the option to buy the full season (playable) immediately but at a higher price and instead do something like when you complete an episode, it locks you out from playing the next episode for say like a week instead? So the game can be treated like a tv show. I think waiting 4-6 weeks or longer is bad. I have to re-play the game several times or else I forget what happened in the previous episode
you fail to understand, its taken so long for episode 5 to come out that the universe has come to an end and time has restarted.
For the wait of 4 we give you 1 Episode, order now and you'll get to wait 1 more month absolutely free
to whoever thumbed down my post. Thanks, at least I have an opinion
That thinking that being late is polished is getting tiring already..
I'm quite happy to wait as long as it takes to make a great finished product. Patience is a virtue.
But how long for you is better?
Like I said, as long as they want to take to make it perfect.
This isn't Call of Duty. This is a "cartoon" / "anime" point and click game. I know some tech geeks in high school that could make a point and click game. I say this not to say this game isn't great/ takes a lot of work and effort to make but because there should be no reason for it it take THIS long to release and make an episode. There is clearly something with Telltale, and not the quality of the game we are waiting on. A simple "coming soon" or "expect it in two weeks" would at least show they are concerned about their public opinion. Good for them they don't care.
Its their game. They can take as long as they want. Maybe they don't care, in which case they wouldn't care about people huffing and puffing on this forum.
You say that now. Maybe its just difference of opinion but in a simple point and click game, I would expect episodes within a month of each other TOPS. This is terrible that they have given no indication it is coming out even remotely soon!
I agree. I wish it could be a bi-weekly thing. Unfortunately telltale just doesn't have the money/ staff to do that. However if they said it would be 4-6 weeks and they don't abide by that with NO new info than I will be very disappointed.
I should change the title to "We are concerned."
it's to long of a wait, you will have to play the previous episode again to get you back into the game spirit and refreshment. Is it true ep2 wil be out by Feb 5th i saw a comment from here.
The latest release date for TWAU Episode 2 is the first week of February.
We've heard nothing about TWD Episode 2 as of yet.
this should regain your hype
Which means we will presumably not hear anything until after february 5th ?
Yeah, we probably won't hear anything until after TWAU Ep 2 is out.
Am I the only one who would rather quality over quantity/speed? I don't want Telltale to rush their games due to some people being impatient.
I feel the same but i don't want it to take as long as The Wolf Among Us episode 2.
: (
I really dislike this argument of quality over speed.