
edited August 2008 in Sam & Max
Earlier today I was thinking about Chariots of the Dogs and how a young Sam having built Bluster Blaster and then forgetting about it was as silly as Darth Vader building C3PO (in fact, you didn't steal that idea from The Phantom Menace, did you Telltale?:D) and thinking about the Star Wars prequel trilogy and seeing Sam & Max as kids in Chariots of the Dogs gave me an idea: a Sam & Max prequel game, following the Lil' Sam and Lil' Max in 1980!

It could conceivably take place either before or after 2008 Sam & Max show up in their time-traveling elevator, but I'd personally prefer it to take place after. There could be some fun with the young duo wondering who those two adult weirdos were and what was up with that magic, disappearing elevator.

I don't know what the plot would be, which makes it hard to decide whether it should be a full standalone game like Hit the Road, or a full episodic season like the Telltale stuff so far. Maybe another season-long conspiracy or something...I guess? But there are some great possibilities, especially with using settings and characters from the Sam & Max seasons we already have.

We'd get to hang around Stinky's of course, and talk to Grandpa Stinky some more. Bluster Blaster should still be there so that we could play him, unless this is after 2008 Sam & Max show up and install the abusive AI. Then Bluster Blaster might not be so much fun to play.;) But we could get different 1970's/80's music tracks playing in Stinky's and see the rest of the neighborhood circa 1980. Go into Bosco's and see Bosco's mom still running the place. You'd meet teenage Bosco, who's noticing someone in Stinky's spying on the store, not knowing that it's his mom/Flint Paper.:D Bosco could start to create his very first conspiracy theories, starting him on the long road to dementia.

We could check out the office from that time period...maybe we'd find that Sam & Max's and Flint Paper's modern-day offices used to be where Sam & Max's families lived!:eek: Because I did start to wonder about what to do with Sam & Max's parents in this game concept. Should their parents even be around? If not, where are they? Do they always happen to be out of town when an episode takes place, giving them free reign of the apartment that will one day be their office?:D Maybe they live somewhere else, a brand new location, and we won't be able to enter the office building. Or the office will be their clubhouse/hangout for which they pay rent...somehow.;)

Also, we could see if there was always an Esperanto bookstore or was it something else there, and see what's occupying the building that'll be Sybil's, back when it wasn't in the middle of the street obviously. Find out what was in the COPS auto body shop back then. Ooh, and Lefty's could still be open, and we'd get to meet Lefty and watch Lil' Max terrorize him! Sam legally wouldn't be able to drive yet, so no driving minigames or DeSoto usage, probably. If the game took them to locations outside the neighborhood, they'd have to use that elevated train that's behind their street.:cool:

At some point, the plot should take them to the Oval Office again, so we can have a repeat of that prophetic conversation from Abe Lincoln Must Die:
Sam: Pretty fancy office, isn't it, Max?
Max: One day this will all be mine!
Sam: I join America and the rest of the free world in praying that will never happen.

Also, I believe 1980 is either during or shortly after the production of the Soda Poppers show. We could see our favorite duo watch bits of brand new Soda Poppers episodes on TV, maybe the one in the office if it was there back then. I know the Poppers are pretty unpopular, but's a distinct possibility given the time period, and that's all.

And eventually the point of the story is revealed, that Max has learned that one can get away with wanton violence by going into law enforcement vigilanteism, and he and Sam decide they want to be Freelance Police when they grow up! Huzzah, an origin story!:cool:

Well, I think those are all the ideas I've had so far. Man, it's a lot, too! Thoughts from anyone else? Is this a crappy idea? Good idea? Anyone have any thoughts about possible plot, or feasible characters and locations to use?

C'mon, with all our ideas put together we can make this happen! Telltale, let's make season 3 a prequel!:D


  • edited August 2008
    While you obviously have thought this well out, I have to disagree - I would *not* want a prequel. I really dislike prequels in general.

    Btw, off-topic - Myst III rocks! :D
  • edited August 2008
    Have you not seen the new Star Wars Trilogy!?!?:eek: Bad Idea!
  • edited August 2008
    HEY, not all prequels are bad. If your opinion on prequels is jaded merely by that fat bastard's mock-up of what could be great than to you I say good day sir. I-SAY-GOOD-DAY! Seriously though good idea. And Sam & Max's relatives did appear once in the comic, so yeah they just happen to be out of town whenever they have a job. I'd just loooooooooove to see what the Soda Poppers looked like back then to!
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