Ok, are you english? If not I understand, but in my other post on a different thread, you completely misread my post, and you've done the exactly same FUCKING thing with this one. Read it again. If you're not English fine, but if you are then MY GOD.
i find all your guys thoughts interesting but i am going to say this and its probably going to be a spoilers topic i dont know if it is or not i put it anyway ok 1st fact lee is dead no matter what he is either shot in the head dead or is a walker depending on how your story played out. 2. i dont think kenny is carver i mean thats a small chance that he is carver cause again depends on your story the only way possible that it is kenny is if he refused to go with lee to save clementine if he went he is dead cause he dies either helping to save ben or helping to save crista cause in those situations the walkers got him now if was just him and lee i dont know yet have not seen but other than those ways kenny is dead so thats why i say small chance and the thing is clementine saids i thought u were dead so either we could be looking at one of the saint john brothers if u let one of them or both of them live or maybe that one guy in episode 5 that clem thought her and lee killed again depends how your story played out but those ones are the options i see that would be carver like i said small chance for kenny only ways that i see maybe possible is if one he did not go to save clem or two if he was the only one that went with lee if any other way his fate was clear that he died trying to save ben or crista cause at the end it tells u what happened to each of them at the end in chapter 5 and that is why i see that as a small chance for kenny to be carver.
Not sure what being English has to do with this. You don't have to be English to speak it. Lighten up man.
i find all your guys thoughts interesting but i am going to say this and its probably going to be a spoilers topic i dont know if it is or not i put it anyway ok 1st fact lee is dead no matter what he is either shot in the head dead or is a walker depending on how your story played out. 2. i dont think kenny is carver i mean thats a small chance that he is carver cause again depends on your story the only way possible that it is kenny is if he refused to go with lee to save clementine if he went he is dead cause he dies either helping to save ben or helping to save crista cause in those situations the walkers got him now if was just him and lee i dont know yet have not seen but other than those ways kenny is dead so thats why i say small chance and the thing is clementine saids i thought u were dead so either we could be looking at one of the saint john brothers if u let one of them or both of them live or maybe that one guy in episode 5 that clem thought her and lee killed again depends how your story played out but those ones are the options i see that would be carver like i said small chance for kenny only ways that i see maybe possible is if one he did not go to save clem or two if he was the only one that went with lee if any other way his fate was clear that he died trying to save ben or crista cause at the end it tells u what happened to each of them at the end in chapter 5 and that is why i see that as a small chance for kenny to be carver.

The images (props) from the episode 2 screen thingy, they start with carverJohnny
AKA: carver's full name is Troy Carver. so it isn't Kenny, as he doesn't match