
  • They are releasing only the second episode of The Wolf Among Us by the beginning of february, they can't release two new games around the very same time.

    The whole 4-6 weeks isn't very accurate, it usually takes them 2 months to get a new episode out.

  • This is based on the official FAQ on the game's site, which states episodes "usually" come out within that time frame. Nothing is official until Telltale says so.

  • I'm betting it will actually be around the same time as The Wolf Among Us, that is, the first week of February.

  • I'd hold out for a date from Telltale as opposed to speculation, even going off the estimate from the game's official FAQ.

  • Hopefully they come out round the same time, be nice treat after the long wait for TWAU

  • Someone said that it's too close to TWAU. Personally I feel they probably should release them both at the same time anyway if they want to make up for delays. It would suck to have TWAU's delay also affect TWD's release schedule so I can't imagine why they'd do that.

  • If they release them at the same time, the forums word be a madhouse! Lol threads would be being made every 2 seconds. But that aside, they also need to time to straighten out the release and advertise and fix some small day one glitches before they released something else. If say if they release them close, it would be like 2-3 days apart :)

    Someone said that it's too close to TWAU. Personally I feel they probably should release them both at the same time anyway if they want to mak

  • edited January 2014

    releasing episodes at the same month was the plan i think. if you look into vertigo_comics twitter page you'll see that they posted a tweet " Episode 2 of Fables: The Wolf Among Us is out now on @playstation, @xbox and for PC. Get it today: #Ad" on 25th December. but the delay happened so we didnt get both episodes at that month

    Someone said that it's too close to TWAU. Personally I feel they probably should release them both at the same time anyway if they want to mak

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