How did you play as Lee?

edited January 2014 in The Walking Dead

What was your Lee like?
How would you describe him?

My Lee was generally an optimistic, loyal individual.
A man of principle.
Would do what had to be done, but would not needlessly take drastic action.
Was a generally a peaceable man, but would fight if he had to.

When it came to Clementine, My Lee was honest and protective of her.
When it came to Kenny, Lee was his best friend.
Even though my Lee didn't nesicarilly agree with everything Kenny said, He did back Kenny up when it mattered.

When it came to Lilly, the first time my Lee met her, he called her a bitch.
To me she seemed to be only concerned with survival of the fittest.
When Lee, Kenny and Mark brought Ben and his injured friend back to the Mortar Inn, her lack of compassion for them, especially for Ben's wounded friend, made me completely disgusted.
And after she killed Carly, without a hint of remorse, that was the final straw, and I had Lee leave her on the side of the road.

When it came to Larry, I had Lee try to be civil with him.
After he had a heart attack, after reflecting on how fast Ben's dead classmate came back, I agreed with Kenny that keeping Larry from coming back, although questionable, seemed to be the only viable option.

When it came to helping strangers, Lee was helpful and cordial with them.
He wouldn't leave someone in trouble, and if someone threatened him, he tried to end things peacefully.


  • A complete and utter psychopath to everyone around him.

  • 50% of nice Lee and 50% of scumbag Lee. Was mostly nice but honest with Clementine and didn't left Ben behind but killed the brothers and Joline, threatened Vernon.

  • Nice Lee all the way, I just can't stand Lee being a dick to Clem, at all!

  • Exactly the same as your Lee basically. A good man who was selfless and tried to save everyone, even people he disliked (Larry being the prime example).Was the same in 400 Days also, generally done the more good options as everyone. Except for Russell for some reason though. Don't know why really but I feel like that's just how his character goes in my game. As Clementine in Season Two though I feel like I can bend my morals a bit more. Which actually makes her character development more impactful in my part. Feel like it's necessary too now.

  • edited January 2014

    Clem and Kenny were the only people i was generaly nice to, (i was nice to other people, but not as much as Kenny and Clem) i only dissagreed with Kenny once and that was with the "Lary" event.
    I spared most people but choose not to trust anyone other then Kenny and Clem.

  • I was a complete dick to everybody , I called Lilly a bitch and left her on the side of the road , Killed Larry and both St.John brothers , Killed the stranger at the end and told he had fucked up like 3 times and threatened Vernon . While its defenetily nice to be a good guy with Lee, I played the game the way I would act in real life and Well being such a nice guy in the zombie apocalypse just doesn't cut it

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