I Think Clementine Shot Omid.....

So when Christa is Mourning over Omid's dead body , She looks at the gun and then looks at Clementine and at first we all assumed she was blaming her but I think that look had something else to it , I think with that look Christa is letting Clem know one of them has to shoot him in the head , And Christa realizes she can't do it , which is why Clem shaked her head because she knew since she partially caused his death she would be the one to make sure he didn't come back , Another possibility would be it depends on what you did with Lee , If you shot him she would shoot Omid and if you didn't Christa shot him , Maybe this is brought up later in the game but its just a thought for the people who think Omid survived somehow
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That is a lot coming from a few stares.
There are people who think Omid survived? That's ridiculous, then why did Christa leave him?
Are you Crazy?
hey..... did you come from stupid land
Yep , Your Mom came from there as well though , Just saying don't get mad she is probably 50 years old anyway
Crazy why because Im just exploring a possibility ? I said I THINK its just a thought , I might be crazy but at least Im not an ignorant piece of crap like you , the fact that you don't agree with something doesn't make them crazy otherwise you probably hate everybody on this forum huh ? Try growing up
They really need to release more episodes before people go completely insane.
For instance, I am currently developing a formula in which: time since last episodes release directly contributes to a deterioration in quality of forum threads.
wrong she's in her 40s and came from asia
Um, huh??
Sheesh, people need to read through the thread thoroughly instead of automatically assuming the poster is dumb. This is just a THOUGHT, he never said it happened (I mean, it's most likely that one of them did shoot Omid to prevent him from turning). It's just another possibility.
I am sorry, your theory makes no sense whatsoever. Let's look at the facts:
I may of course have misinterpreted what you meant, if you meant that Clementine was the one that made sure Omid didn't come back. Then I guess that is a possibility too.
Wouldn't surprise me if Christa made her do it because "It's something you must learn to do, Clementine."
Calm your jets there rambo, Your right he shouldn't have said it in that way but don't go and call him a piece of crap about it, personally i think that your theory is a possibility but still try not to insult people
Why are you people insulting him for giving an opinion? grow up.
He meant she stopped him from coming back.
Michelle shot Omid in the GUT not the HEAD, which means if he died he would come back as a walker. The question is whether Clementine or Christa shot Omid in the head to prevent him from turning.
Honestly I think people are just reading the subject line only, obviously we know Michelle shot Omid but the question isn't even about that!
@Wuzhles I didn't mean to direct this comment to you as you acknowledged that perhaps you may have misinterpreted the question, but I accidentally clicked reply instead of Add comment and it won't let me delete the post.
Thats a valid point that the OP is making, I don't get why you guys are giving him a hard time over it.
I don't think Clementine had to shoot him though, that look Christa gave her was more of "I blame you" because she was careless and let a stranger get to her gun.
ok i feel sorry for what i said and im sorry saltlick
I think it's the title of the thread the people are reacting too, it's pretty misleading especially when reading the OP's description. I'll admit I got confused myself, but then I read what the OP had to say, and he raises a valid point.
I dont think so because omid was dead
That is actually a valid point,OP.Never thought of that.
I've often wondered if Omid was shot before turning and, if so, who did it. We don't have much to work with, honestly, but this is a pretty interesting idea. I'd like to at least hear what the hell happened at some point, even if it's episode 5.
@Hershel Cool your jets there rambo**
I always hoped Omid somehow survived but it's unlikely given the time gap and that he's nowhere to be seen. He's dead sadly
You people on this site are overall childish. You're comment was pointless..........yet entertaining ROFL. I love you guys. When ever I'm bored I know I can always come here for a good laugh.
With a shot to the chest? I think not...
Let's not forget what Ben taught us: Destroy the brain.
Ok now i get why people got confused , Guys I meant shot him before turning , my bad should have included that on the description