Season 2 Ending

edited January 2014 in The Walking Dead

Hey everyone

i thought aboutthe ending of Season 2 what TTG plans are.
So Here are some Options:

1.Clementine Dies(What Ok already the most dumbest one) And becomes a Walker BUT She somehow Managed to get to atlanta and we are gonna see Walker Clem and Walker Lee together In some sort of End Screen

2.She survives(MY FAVORITE ONE) And we get a season 3 were she finds someone She has to protect (she Turns into some sort of new Lee)

3.Someone Found Her in Episode 3.4 or 5 Maybe someone who is 2 or 3 years older and he/she Protects Her and in Season 3 they continue

  1. A Giant bomb that only kills zombies goes of and Turns Lee and Clems Parents Back in Humans.They met And everything is ok

Let me know what YOU think what is your favorite Ending or maybe you have youre own one


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