Did anyone notice the BLANK gravesite?

edited January 2014 in The Walking Dead

Christa's baby gravesite?


  • ... That's a stretch. The blank grave site is after Clem gets washed down stream. If she had been there before, she would've said something.

  • Indeed, I don't understand why people keep making the gravesite a relation to any events occurred in previous episodes.
    Clem literally just washed up on a random site which just so happened to have a point of curiousity, a grave.

  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator

    Its not far from Sam's camp, It could be one of his owners as we can see a photo of the family and the man is tied to the tree and there is no sign of the woman or child.

  • if clem know the grave most say something huh?

  • It was just to pouint out that there was a campsite nebry and that in the ZA, people die.

  • I'm surprised no one has mentioned clem sighing at the fact she will never have a normal childhood again after looking at the crashed man scouts boat

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