Quick theory I came up with.

edited January 2014 in The Walking Dead

I made a Reddit thread a while back explaining a theory I came up with and thought I'd share it with you guys.
While reading through The Walking Dead Wiki I found that the guy on radio at the end of 400 days has the same voice actor as Winston [The guy who chases Clem through the forest] Now that might mean nothing at first, but then I decided to investigate some more. Upon rewatching the ending 400 days and the start of S2Ep1 their voices are the same, now you're probably thinking (Well that's because their VOs are the same) Well there are many people in the game who have the same VO for instance Brie, Katjaa and Dee are all voiced by Cissy Jones. Now for the second part of my clutching at straws theory: I think Winston is the guy on the radio at the end of 400 days, and Carver is apart of that group. Why? Well the man who begs for water was with Winston at the start, Pete and Nick think Carver was to blame for the shootout. Tl;Dr: I think the scavengers in the forest are apart of Tavia's group.

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