Does the rewind function in Season 1 work?

edited January 2014 in The Walking Dead

So I wanted to do a playthrough of Season 1 where I try a bunch of choices I haven't before and I was wondering if the rewind function works properly? I feel like I read somewhere that it is broken and corrupts your save file. Maybe I just imagined this. If someone could tell me one way or the other that'd be appreciated.


  • Ive had no issues with it, works fine for me.

  • My PC version had troubles with it several months back (around the time 400 Days was released) where I'd start Episode 2 or 3 and I'd get the game asking me if I wanted to rewind in a very strange manner.

    I've not had any trouble with it since though so I'm sure it'll be okay. Just make sure to copy a save file and then rewind on that one in case things don't go too smoothly.

  • [removed]

  • Thanks for the responses!

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