Had a few issues with the games design
1) This game begs to be replayed quite a few times to get things the way we want them. It is a relativity short game and part of it's value is through replaying it. However, the larger issue I'm having is that I can't skip through any of the stuff I've already heard. It was great the first time but after hearing the same thing 3 times I'm ready to turn the game off and look for something else.
2) Time for responses. Would it be possible to allow us the user to control that? Sometimes I can't even read all of the responses before having to pick something. I'm not Bigby. I would like to get into the mindset of what he might actually respond if he was controlling himself. However, this takes up too much time and I'm force to make a poorly thought out decision during non critical game times where a lot more time could have easily been awarded. For me, there were a few times in act 1 I didn't even finish reading before I timed out. It leaves me with the choice to either replay it or go on with a response or no response at all and play through the game with choices I didn't want.
It feels to me like these issues wouldn't be hard to fix. Give us a setting that doubles or triple the response time before awarding the no answer. The harder to implement but still worth doing would be the ability to skip through parts if you've already completed. I know what he is going to say here, I know my response so can I please jump past all the talking?
1) What is the point of skipping dialogue in a story based game? If there was an option like that and people used it the game would be like 20-30 in a whole. The whole game revolves around the interaction with characters so skipping would be pointless.
2) "I'm not Bigby". In a sense you are. That's why you have a limited time frame to react, people aren't going to wait forever until you open your mouth. I find it a very unique and amazing feature that adds to the game and immersion of the story.
are you a slow reader?
the timer is enough for me to read all the response
Not sure about the second one, but I agree with the first. I remember there was a thread about this a while back on TWD section. I know people are going to say its a story driven game, but for those who have already played it, it just gets annoying, and in the end takes you out of the experience as your just wishing it would end. I do hope telltale gives this functionality sometime "soon" lol
As a game mechanics, I really like the timer for dialogue choices; however, sometimes it doesn't give me enough time to read all the options, since English is not my first language. I discovered that in TWAU (but not in TWD for example) most of the times you can successfully pause the game and take your time to read all the options before choosing.
Press the space bar to halt the timer whenever you wish to read the choices first.
This feature doesn't appear in TWDS1, but is available for TWAU and TWDS2 so far. Personally I discovered it by accident, really handy.