Episode 2 Trailer
OK,i don't know if this has been posted already,but fuck it!I love this so much,i can't just let it go.So here it is,the trailer for the second episode.After i watched it,i had to pick my jaw off the floor.I dunno,i wanted to start a discussion based on it.
Firstly,the thing about Faith being the girl with the ribbon shit.She's not.See that there's another girl there,i think a prostitute,too.,and she has the same ribbon as Faith.I guess it resembles the Pudding N' Pie.And then,let's talk about the other body.The one Jack mentioned,from the river.We saw an image of a female body straight after,but i'm not sure who's it was.It was a bit confusing,because it also showed Snow's head.Did Bigby actually find the rest of her body?Or do they,like,store all the bodies somewhere?(which is pretty fucking creepy)Oh,and did you guys see?At 0:51,Bigby is interrogating that spawn of Satan/Ginger/Cryer.I am actually starting to think he's not the murderer,just an accomplice.And anyway,TellTale would surely wanna do exactly what the fandom didn't expect.So the Ginger being the killer is totally crossed(OR IS IT?DUN DUN DUN).And also,in that same scene,we can see 2 sneaky motherfuckers watching Bigby.Actually,if you look at the TV,you can see a video of Bigby.That's new for me.There are just soooo many new characters.And so many,well,prostitutes.I spotted at least 3.Another thing:if you pause at 1:07 exactly,it's impossible to see that buff guy with Georgie.I mean,he looks like the ginger on steroids!Who the fuck is him?Or that whole affair with Beauty...Is Beast really that thick to think Beauty is cheating on him with Bigby,or some shit like that?I don't even know.It's just that so many things are going on at the same time,it's crazy!I think i already positively LOVE this new episode,and i haven't even played it yet!But i think the guys at TellTale did a great job keeping me on my heels.Kudos,guys!I just can't wait to play this new episode!I fucking love TellTale games.
There is already threads about this and I think that everybody has seen this trailer already
Ok,i get it,i am late.Boo for me.Sorry.I just haven't visited the site for a long time and i have just seen the trailer,because i am a lame noob.
No, I didn´t meant to be mean to you. You´re not noob, I just didn´t know that you just saw the trailer and haven´t been here for a while.
You weren't mean,but thanks for your concern
I was just mad at myself for not being...you know...a hipster,i guess?Heh.