Sound issues?

edited November 2008 in Game Support
So, is anyone else having some serious issues with the sound on the PC version? Whenever a character speaks, the sound is extremely distorted and cut off at the beginning.


  • edited August 2008
    Have you tried redownloading it and reinstalling it. Send in an email to with the problem and your computer specs and we can try to help out.
  • edited August 2008
    I'm having the identical problem and reinstalling didn't change anything. I'm sending an email now with my system specs. Anyone else encounter this and have any tips?
  • edited August 2008
    I was having this problem, if y'all are talking about the intermittent where the first second or so of an audio clip is distorted. Running dxdiag and dialing down the "Hardware Sound Acceleration Level" slider under "Sound" to basic acceleration worked as a temp fix for me.
  • edited August 2008
    My sound was working just fine until I got to the part after Strong Bad's first and failed attempt at the RttEotR. Strong Bad is standing at the end of the pool and everyone is saying something to him, but there was no sound. I right clicked through the rest of it and the next scene at SB's house had sound.
  • edited August 2008
    I was able to figure out what the problem was for me. It was actually really stupid. I had forgotten that my brother had dropped an ancient Sound Blaster card into this computer so that he could used the Roland MT-32 he bought on eBay. I had forgotten about it because everything else on this computer, including Sam and Max and some other newer games, run just fine with the old card. Anyway, I tried switching things back to the sound card built into to the motherboard, and everything worked fine now.
  • edited August 2008
    It turns out I have this problem too. I thought updating my DirectX fixed it, but it still happens once and a while. When a character speaks, the beginning of their sentence gets cut off, and sometimes the end. Like the problem I had with stuttering video, this sound bug is intermittent.

    My sound card isn't new, but I wouldn't call it ancient. It's a Voyetra Turtle Beach Santa Cruz, with the last Windows XP drivers made for the card.

    I'll try the temporary fix that Garrick Muttley suggested. I'll also try uninstalling and reinstalling; maybe a fresh install that takes place after I updated my DirectX will have an effect.

    edit (again): For reference, I never had any issues with the sound in the Sam and Max games. Reading through the forum I noticed a thread about someone having a problem similar to this in Night of the Raving Dead, (although that was more pronounced, this bug in Homestar Ruiner is more of a minor annoyance.)
  • WillWill Telltale Alumni
    edited August 2008
    This is an entirely different sound system from Sam & Max actually. The whole thing has been overhauled completely. We are looking into the problem however.
  • edited August 2008
    The dxdiag sound acceleration trick that Garrick mentioned worked like a charm. Make sure it's set to basic acceleration and not standard.

    It's cool that there's a temporary workaround we can use to solve this issue for now.
  • edited August 2008
    Will wrote: »
    This is an entirely different sound system from Sam & Max actually. The whole thing has been overhauled completely. We are looking into the problem however.

    Speaking (oh-ho-ho!) of that Will, do you remember the problem I was having on my 5.1 speaker system? Everything is working perfectly on SBCG4AP, so I guess that new sound system worked a treat. :D
  • WillWill Telltale Alumni
    edited August 2008
  • edited September 2008
    I'm experiencing the same problem with a Soundblaster Live! card on Windows XP 32 bit.
    Sound worked fine in S&M and in any other games I played (except on rare occasions were turning on EAX would totally screw sound).

    Will use the DX acceleration trick for now.
  • edited September 2008
    Just downloaded and installed SBCG4AP Episode 2, and made sure to run the DirectX installer it came with. The problem of sound being distorted and getting cut off still exists for me, though it doesn't happen as frequently as in Episode 1.

    I noticed the Telltale DirectX installer installed a revision from April 2006. I had already installed the August 2008 redist when Episode 1 came out, so I guess the installer determined I also needed an older library.

    My sound card is a Voyetra Turtle Beach Santa Cruz, with the latest driver (version 4193).

    Other specs (if needed):

    Windows XP SP3
    Athlon 64 3000+
    2 gigs DDR RAM
    GeForce 7600GS

    I'll continue to use the DX acceleration turn down trick.

    Awesome news: The graphic performance of the game on my computer has greatly improved in Ep 2. No more lag in SB's living room or disappearing eye problems. :)
  • WillWill Telltale Alumni
    edited September 2008
    We actually just use the DirectX web installer, which essentially points you straight to Microsoft. Maybe they decided that some of the older stuff was still relevant for some games?
  • edited September 2008
    I also have some sound problems, but not the one in discussion.
    Some times in the middle of a dialogue, the talking just stops.
    I can hear the music just fine, but when they talk, there is no sound from them.
    It has only happened twice, once in Country - I can't remember the second.
  • edited September 2008
    Will wrote: »
    We actually just use the DirectX web installer, which essentially points you straight to Microsoft. Maybe they decided that some of the older stuff was still relevant for some games?

    Yep, could be. If it installed anything new, it hasn't negatively affected my system, so it's all good.

    Was any work done to the SBCG4AP sound system in Episode 2 (and/or future episodes) to fix the bugs described in this thread?
  • edited November 2008
    FYI: The same old distorted sound problems I described in my above posts months ago still exist in SBC4AP Baddest of the Bands.

    Edit/Update: I've played through most of ep. 3 now with sound acceleration set to full. While sound hiccups still occur, they occur less frequently than in episodes 1 and 2.
  • edited November 2008
    SBC4AP episode 4 (Dangeresque) gives me the same sound issues that I reported about ep. 3. There's still occasional hiccups and echos, but I don't notice them as much as I did in the first two eps. Guess that's how it's gonna be.
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